Page 31 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 31

General Interest

                              Lodge of Daily Advancement

                              A ‘First for Essex’                           Authored by W.Bro Tony Hales

             n Tuesday 16th July 2019 the Deputy Provincial Grand Master VW Bro Paul
         OReeves stood in for the Provincial Grand Master as the Consecrating Offi cer
         for the Lodge of Daily Advancement No 9979 at Saxon Hall, Southend. On the same
         day 50 years ago the Apollo 11 mission was launched with Bro Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin
         becoming the fi rst Freemason to walk on the moon.

         The Provincial Grand Stewards team provided fi rst class support throughout the meeting which was opened in the Three Degrees by the Worshipful Master of St
         Laurence Lodge No 5511 the sponsoring lodge. The meeting was called to order and the Consecrating Offi cer VW.Bro Paul Reeves entered with the Provincial
         Consecration Team. After the opening hymn and salutations he addressed the Brethren on the purpose of the meeting.
                                                      The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Geoff Turpin, called the Petitioners to order
                                                      around  the  Lodge  Board  (the  Tracing  Board  of  the  Third  Degree)  and  Phil  Lovelock  the
                                                      Provincial  Grand  Secretary  read  the  Warrant  of  the  Lodge  and  the  Consecrating  Offi cer
                                                      enquired of the Petitioners if they approved of the Offi cers to preside over them which they
                                                      confi rmed.
                                                      The Consecrating Offi cer then called on the Provincial Deputy Grand Chaplain, Rev Michael
                                                      Bradley, to deliver an Oration which he did by pointing out that some people see Freemasons
                                                      as “apart” from society but we are very much “a part” of society practicing Brotherly Love,
                                                      Relief and Truth and also said that 16th July was an appropriate day to “Launch” a new
         After the Consecration the Consecrating Offi cer relinquished the Chair to the Senior Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Peter Hollingsworth who installed the
         Primus Master Alan Everard PSGD into the Chair of King Solomon.  David West PPJGW was invested as the Immediate Past Master, John Davies PSGD as Senior
         Warden and Ian Simpson PAGPurs as Junior Warden.
         The Provincial Senior Grand Warden, John Bold, gave the address to the Worshipful Master. The Provincial Junior Grand Warden, David Branch, gave the
         address to the Wardens and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the new Lodge, Charles Elliott, gave the address to the Brethren. The normal business of
         the Lodge was conducted during which a proposition for the fi rst joining member, Cliff Phillips PPJGD, was received.  VW.Bro Paul Reeves presented the Primus
         Master Alan Everard with three hand carved gavels as a gift to the new Lodge from its sponsor St Lawrence Lodge No 5511.
         The day ended with VW.Bro Paul Reeves informing everyone that although the Provincial Grand Master had spent most of the day receiving treatment in
         hospital, he was delighted to learn the Consecration meeting had been so successful. To everyone’s surprise the PGM had directed VW.Bro Paul to promote the
         Secretary of the new Lodge, W.Bro Lawrie Morrisson, and invest him as a Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden. From the applause given followed by a standing
         ovation it was evident all wholeheartedly agreed with the Provincial Grand Master’s choice and everyone signed a souvenir
         card to wish RW.Bro Rodney Bass a speedy recovery.
         Particular credit should go to VW.Bro Paul Reeves DepPGM, W.Bro Peter Hollingsworth Senior APGM and W.Bro Charles
         Elliott APGM who all stood in at short notice to do their roles along with W.Bro Phil Lovelock as ProvGSec for his work
         behind the scenes and W.Bro Geoff Turpin who demonstrated to all throughout the rehearsals and during the Consecration
         that he is an accomplished Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.

                                                           P P P P P P Pictured,  centre  W.Bro  John  Hornsby-Bates,  WM  of  Undine ictured,  centre  W.Bro  John  Hornsby-Bates,  WM  of  Undine ictured,  centre  W.Bro  John  Hornsby-Bates,  WM  of  Undine ictured,  centre  W.Bro  John  Hornsby-Bates,  WM  of  Undine ictured,  centre  W.Bro  John  Hornsby-Bates,  WM  of  Undine ictured,  centre  W.Bro  John  Hornsby-Bates,  WM  of  Undine ictured,  centre  W.Bro  John  Hornsby-Bates
                                                           h h h h h h handing the collars to W.Bo Alan Everard Primus Master designate anding the collars to W.Bo Alan Everard Primus Master designate anding the collars to W.Bo Alan Everard Primus Master designate anding the collars to W.Bo Alan Everard Primus Master designate anding the collars to W.Bo Alan Everard Primus Master designate anding the collars to W.Bo Alan Everard Primus Master designate anding the collars to W.Bo Alan
                                                           o o o o o o
                                                           of  Lodge  of  Daily  Advancement  (LODA),  together  with  (left  of f  Lodge  of  Daily  Advancement  (LODA),  together  with  (left  of f  Lodge  of  Daily  Advancement  (LODA),  together  with  (left  of f  Lodge  of  Daily  Advancement  (LODA),  together  with  (left  of f  Lodge  of  Daily  Advancement  (LODA),  together  with  (left  of f  Lodge  of  Daily  Advancement  (LODA),  together  with  (left  of f  Lodge  of
                                                           W W W W W W WM), W.Bro John Davies, SW Designate of LODA, (far right) W.Bro M), W.Bro John Davies, SW Designate of LODA, (far right) W.Bro M), W.Bro John Davies, SW Designate of LODA, (far right) W.Bro M), W.Bro John Davies, SW Designate of LODA, (far right) W.Bro M), W.Bro John Davies, SW Designate of LODA, (far right) W.Bro M), W.Bro John Davies, SW Designate of LODA, (far right) W.Bro M), W.Bro John Davies, SW Designate of
                                                           D D D D D D D D D Dave Elliott, Secretary of Undine and (far left) W.Bro Ian Parker, ave Elliott, Secretary of Undine and (far left) W.Bro Ian Parker, ave Elliott, Secretary of Undine and (far left) W.Bro Ian Parker, ave Elliott, Secretary of Undine and (far left) W.Bro Ian Parker, ave Elliott, Secretary of Undine and (far left) W.Bro Ian Parker, ave Elliott, Secretary of Undine and (far left) W.Bro Ian Parker, ave Elliott, S
                                                           T Treasurer of Undine and a Founder of LODA.reasurer of Undine and a Founder of LODA.
                                                         ndine Lodge No 3394 Closes but Will Live
                      Want your say?ant your say?
                                                      UOn in the New Lodge of Daily Advancement
                                                      No 9979. It was a day of sadness on 10th July
              s send your views and comments to end your views and comments to   2019 for Undine Lodge No 3394 and its Brethren
                m                                     when they surrendered the Warrant almost 110
                                                      years after consecration.
            "Subjects you would like to see covered Subjects you would like to see covered   It was also a day of refl ection and happiness not only
                           are...."re...."            when they remembered old friends, events and past
                                                      successes, but knowing that their name will live on
                                                      with the Lodge of Daily Advancement No 9979 which
                                                      was consecrated only 6 days later.
         We can only improve if we know what you e can only improve if we know what you
         W                                            W.Bro  Alan  Everard,  a  Past  Master  of  Undine  Lodge
                           want ant                   is also the Primus Master designate of the new Lodge
                                                      of  Daily  Advancement  and  suggested  to  Undine  that
                                                      much of their equipment would be better put to use in
                                                      the proposed new lodge, which the members of Undine
                                                      readily supported.
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