Page 29 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 29
Essex Mason Receives
Bulgarian Honorary Diploma
any Essex Masons will know W.Bro. Colin Whitehead
of Ostrea Lodge No.8209 through his attendance
Mat Lodges and Chapters though out the Province,
having served his Mother Lodge as Secretary for some 10
years, and the work he undertakes on behalf of the Province,
be it Orange Aid representative where he climbed Ben Nevis
to raise £6000, The Essex Tercentenary Committee and
Dinner celebrations or as a member of the Essex Provincial
Charity Stewards Committee where he acts as the North
Essex Centres Charity Representative focusing on the 2022
festival which here he encourages all to support .
But what many may not know is that he has for the past twelve years been developing connections with Freemasons in Bulgaria. After purchasing a holiday home in Bulgaria
he began visiting Bulgarian Lodges as well as attending meetings regularly held in the UK, one of which held on the 6/4/2011 and hosted by the Earl Strafford Lodge No.
3550 in Hertfordshire included the Assistant Grand Master of Bulgaria Brother L. Parmakov of Hiram Lodge No. 037.
W Bro. Colin Whitehead in recognition of his extraordinary merits for the development of fraternal relations and sustained interest in Bulgarian Freemasonry in some
troubled times within that region, the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria has awarded him a Honorary Diploma and gold medallion linked to his promotion as an Honorary Bulgarian
Grand Offi cer. The presentation was made by W.Bro. Todor Todorov Worshipful Master of Krund Lodge No.079 on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria on the 16/4/2019.
He will of course when you next see him in regalia be wearing his Essex Provincial Apron displaying his PPJGW badge with continued pride.
Essex Masonic Bowls Open 2019
Thorpe Bay Bowling Club
Sunday 21st July 2019
In 2018 the reconstituted Essex Masonic Bowls Association held the
fi rst Inter-Lodge Bowls Competition for about 8 years, which was very
successful (and signifi cantly oversubscribed).
This year W.Bro. Tony Goater and W.Bro. Richard Goodwin, on behalf of the Association, organised another competition, this time at Thorpe Bay Bowls Club, overlooking
the Thames, and changed the format from triples to teams of 4 to allow more players to take part. On 21st July 2019 twelve lodges took part, a total of 48 bowlers, but
there were still several lodges on a reserve list.
They all enjoyed glorious sunshine but benefi ted from a welcome breeze coming off the river, and all attending had a very enjoyable time with the day attracting many
others who just came to watch or dine with the players afterwards.
The eventual winners were St.
Margaret’s Lodge No. 5168 hailing
from Rochford with Eastwoodbury
Lodge No. 7922, also from
Rochford, missing out by only 1
point to be the Runners-up.
The photos show the winners and runners up with
VW.Bro Paul Reeves presenting the Trophies, together
with a group photo with all 48 players.
Building on the obvious appetite in the Province for such
competitions the third annual event will be hosted by
Corinthian Centenary Lodge No. 8488 at the Burnham-
on-Crouch Bowling Club in June or July 2020. Early
application is recommended to avoid disappointment.
At the dinner W.Bro Richard fl oated the idea of the
Association resuming involvement in the Inter-Provincial
competitions that are already taking place but which
Essex has not taken part in for some years. The suggestion
was met with very positive acclaim.
Further information regarding that will be distributed
as soon as it is available and anyone who would like to
join the Association and be considered for that team or
to pre-book a place for next year’s Inter-Lodge event
(subject to date availability) should email W.Bro. Tony
Goater (Association Secretary) at