Page 27 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 27


         Thames Mouth Lodge and The Music Man                                     Thurrock Lodge 4757
                                                                     Essex Mason  Its been 30 Years’
                                              care homes, weekly music schools and daily
                                              adult classes in the community.
                                              The  Music  Man  Project  offers  the  same
                                              opportunities   enjoyed   by   aspiring
                                              mainstream musicians by providing the best
                                              tuition, instruments, musical repertoire and
                                              performance platforms available. It currently
                                              operates  in  Essex,  Suffolk,  Sussex,  Kent,
                                              Hampshire,  Bristol,  Lincolnshire,  Scotland,
                     David Stanley            South Africa and India. It supports schools, the
                                              Salvation Army, local Mencap societies, Music
                                              Education Hubs and individuals in fulfi lment   W.Bro Jeff Cave and Bro. Barry Davison
                                W.Bro Dann    of its objective to establish a specialist music   celebrated 30 years in the Thurrock Lodge.   Both
                                              service in every county in England, in every   were initiated on the same day;  Saturday 14th
          At a regular meeting of Thames Mouth t a regular meeting of Thames Mouth
          A                                   country  in  the  UK  and  in  every  continent  in   January 1989.  Congratulations to both.
          Lodge 6994, which was held at Saxon Hall   the world.
          on Saturday 12th January, saw a talk given   David  delivered  an  interesting  talk  about   Villerica Golf Day
          by David Stanley. David is not a Freemason   the  project,  going  into  its  origins  and
          but was invited into the Lodge after it was   their  accomplishments  to  date.  He  had  an
          called off.                         aspiration to bring The Music Man Project to
                                              the Royal Albert Hall and now, after a sell-out
          David  founded  The  Music  Man  Project  UK   date at the London Palladium, this is soon to
          which  is  an  award-winning,  world  record-  become a reality. The date has been set for
          breaking music education service specifi cally   Monday 15th April 2019 and would be great
          for children and adults with learning   to have a sold-out audience.
          disabilities.  David  Stanley  left  his  job,  as
          a  deputy  head  teacher,  to  fi nd  The  Music   The Master of Thames Mouth Lodge, W.Bro
          Man Project UK to meet a growing demand   David  Dann,  took  great  pleasure  with
          from parents for regular and accessible   presenting  a  cheque  to  David  after  the  talk   The  Villerica  Lodge  No  4053  Golf  day  was
          musical opportunities for their children.   and the lodge looks forward to supporting   held  at  Langdon  Hills  Golf  Club  on  Friday
          The Music Man Project nurtures their innate   this charity in the future.  5th July, with the help of glorious sunshine
          musicality,  delivering  education,  enjoyment   For any more information for the Music Man Project please   Worshipful  Master  Bill  Moon  along  with  78
          and performances through the teaching of                                 golfers and over 100 evening guests raised
          original music at special schools, colleges,   visit their website:      on the day over £8,300.00 for the Essex
                                                                                   Festival 2022 & Prostate Cancer

                                  Provincial Grand


                                                                  FULLY EQUIPPED MASONIC ULLY EQUIPPED MASONIC ULLY EQUIPPED MASONIC
                                                                  F F
                                    ssex Provincial Grand Stewards
                                 EBall chalks up a huge success for a
                                                                          TEMPLE FOR HIREEMPLE FOR HIREEMPLE FOR HIRE
                                  birthday boy                            T T
                                  Apart from the evening of the Ball on 16th
                                                                            Eastwood Road Northstwood Road Northstwood Road North
                                  February being a great success and one to   Ea
                                  remember,  the  Charity  Auction  provided
                                  an opportunity for W.Bro Ian Watson to          L L
                                  purchase two tickets to the Snooker Final
                                  on 6th May, knowing that his son’s Birthday
                                  was on the 9th.                                  I I IDEAL FORDEAL FORDEAL FOR
         With huge thanks to John and Dil Singh, who pulled out all the stops to ensure   LODGE Meeting or LOI'sODGE Meeting or LOI'sODGE Meeting or LOI's
                                                                         L L
         full VIP and best seats, Sam Watson and his friend were treated to hospitality
         beyond the call of duty and a memorable Snooker Final.  Culminating with a
                                                                           Fully Equipped Kitchen and Dining Roomully Equipped Kitchen and Dining Roomully Equipped Kitchen and Dining Room
         meeting with Dennis Taylor, Sam had a birthday to remember.       F F
         Sincere thanks to John and Dil and their contacts at Betfred, for making a young   This venue is also ideal for Choir Practice or Committee Meetingshis venue is also ideal for Choir Practice or Committee Meetingshis venue is also ideal for Choir Practice or Committee Meetings
                                                                 T T
         lad a very happy ‘Birthday Boy’.
                                                                          Contact Mrs. L. Potticaryontact Mrs. L. Potticaryontact Mrs. L. Potticary
                                                                          C C
                                    Gunfl eet Lodge                              07771 762 4187771 762 4187771 762 418
                                                                                0 0
                                    Support  St  Helena                   l l
                                    Following a successful Ladies Festival a successful Ladies Festival
                                    the Master of Gunfl eet Lodge Archie
                                    the Master of Gunfl eet Lodge Archie
                                    Turnbull    (centre)  is    pictured  with
                                    Turnbull    (centre)  is    pictured  with
                                    his Lady Angela Barker presenting
                                    his Lady Angela Barker presenting a  a
                                    cheque  for  £600  to the  community
                                    cheque  for  £600  to the  community
                                    fundraiser of St Helena Hospice, Zach
                                    fundraiser of St Helena Hospice, Zach
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