Page 34 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 34
Online Supplement
Maldon Masonic Hall Association
Cluster Meeting
Monday 11th March saw the inaugural Maldon Masonic Hall Association
Cluster Meeting for the fi ve lodges of fellowship who meet at the Masonic
Hall in Maldon.
The Cluster Meeting was attended by representatives from Wheel
of Fellowship Lodge No. 9016, Lodge of St. Peter No. 1024, Frederick
Leistikow Lodge No. 9143, Beeleigh Abbey Lodge No. 7017 and Dean
Ingas Lodge No. 7951.
We also had the honour of being joined at the meeting by RW PGM W.Bro.
Rodney Lister Bass OBE and our APGM W.Bro. the Reverend Martin Howse.
The evening included an interesting presentation by W.Bro Peter Hill
PPJGW on a history of the Wheel of Fellowship Lodge and a great
informative overview of Frequently asked questions (including the answers)
regarding Free Masonry by W.Bro Ken Cownden PPJGW.
There then followed a sumptuous festive board of prawn cocktail, roast lamb, apple and blackberry
crumble and cheese and biscuits rounded off with the raffl e which raised £420 for the MMHA. One of
the prizes was a very special cake, made specifi cally for the occasion.
The evening also saw a Cheque for £4,500 presented by the Wheel of Fellowship Lodge for the 2022
Essex Festival Relief Chest which was followed by a presentation from PGM W.Bro. Rodney Lister Bass
OBE to W.Bro. Paul King the Worshipful Master of the Wheel of fellowship lodge with their Grand
Patron Certifi cate for the 2022 Essex Festival.
The Wheel of fellowship lodge are the fi rst Lodge in the Maldon Masonic Hall to receive this high
Entered apprentices who attended the evening with our honoured guests from left to right ……..
RW PGM W.Bro. Rodney Lister Bass OBE – Bro. Simon Bourne ( Lodge of St. Peter) – Bro. Mark Pickering ( Lodge of St. Peter) – Bro. Daran Tilby
(Wheel of Fellowship Lodge) and our APGM W.Bro. the Reverend Martin Howse.
The Cluster meetings will be held every year, with each Lodge at the centre taking turns in being the host , this year this fell to Wheel of Fellowship
Lodge No. 9016 and next year it will be the turn of Lodge of St. Peter No. 1024 with the remaining lodges following on each each after that.
Ronald Frederick Marsh
Lambourne Lodge no 3945
t was on the 17th of July 1957 that Mr. Ronald Frederick Marsh, entered Loughton Masonic Hall, unaware
Iof what would happen next, was met by his father John as IG, and was initiated him into freemasonry, so
that when he left Loughton Temple, he was a Brother to all other freemasons worldwide, but particularly
Lambourne Lodge no 3945.!
He was only 21 years plus 2 months old, which meant he had a head start regarding longevity in Masonry, but he
fi lled those early years by progressing through to WM in 1970. He took on ADC and then DC for 8 years followed
by 5 years as Chaplain. He had started work as a pupil civil engineer with Rush and Tomkins, was awarded a state
scholarship to read Civil Engineering at Kings college, London, receiving a BSc , and then moving to Ove Arup
for the rest of his outstanding and satisfying career.
He had attended Kings College which entitles him to append AKC after his name, but his earlier school was William D’Aeth in Dartford, and eventually
was the Founding Master of the Dartford school lodge.
He was honoured with active provincial grand rank of Senior Grand deacon, and thence PPSGD, eventually on to PPJGW. Unusually he also attained
PPJGW in West Kent (Dartford).
He was a constant attender at the L of I., being preceptor for many years, when the L. of I. was weekly, and the excellent ritual that was typical of
Lambourne Lodge was no doubt due a great deal to Bro. Ron’s efforts.
He has been resident in France for several years, but still attended as often as possible, but recently had suffered with back problems which saw him being
bed-bound during 2016/17. However, as part of his rehabilitation he is trying to become more mobile, and to remain upright. Because of hospital appointments
he was able to attend Dartford but could not make Lambourne, his Mother lodge who meet in October.
It was therefore agreed to present him with his Certifi cate to recognise the 60th anniversary of his Initiation, at the William D’aeth Lodge, after observing the
protocols of both Essex and West Kent GL. ,where the R.W.Bro. Col. Sir Neil Thorne PPGM., presented Bro. Ron with his certifi cate, with genuine sincerity ,
especially when Sir Neil, sat with Ron as he was unable to rise comfortably.
This was followed by a presentation by W.Bro Doug. Lee, Lambourne’s master of a capo damonte model perhaps modelled on Bro. Ron himself. At the festive
board the host Lodge also presented Bro. Ron with a tankard as their tribute to his contribution to them. A summons suitably signed by all present was also
handed to Bro, as a memento.
Finally, all who know him see him as a big man, both Masonically, and in normal life, with a beard that is as old as his Masonic career.
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Wheelchairs, Electric Scooters, Zimmer Frames ect.
Free of charge to Freemasons and their families within the Province of Essex to aid the recovery
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of those suffering from illness or recuperating from surgery
The contact number for all enquiries is 07732 378656