Page 30 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
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Masonic Charitable Foundation Ball
£25,000 in One Evening!
very year since 1973, with the exception of 2017, the Masonic Charities, through
the Friends of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution, have held a Charity Ball
Eas a fund raiser for the “Good Neighbour Fund” as well as to raise the profi le of
the Charities.
In those 45 years around £850,000 had been raised. With the consolidation of the charities into the Masonic
Charitable Foundation in 2014 the name was changed to the Friends of the MCF and a tradition was stared to
have a Provincial Grand Master as the President. In 2014 it was RW.Bro. Ian Yeldham for Suffolk and in 2019 it
was our own Provincial Grand Master RW.Bro. Rodney Lister Bass, OBE.
The venue this year was the impressive Grange St Paul Hotel in London on Saturday 15th
June. Around 230 sat down to a sumptuous dinner and fantastic entertainment. This included
Jasmine Elcock, BTG Finalist and Swing Central. R W Bro Rodney Lister Bass welcomed all who
attended and emphasised the importance of the MCF, the Festival 2022 and the support of
Essex Freemasons. W Bro Dr John Reuther responded with thanks from the Friends.
A cheque for £10,000 donated by Essex Mason was then presented to the MCF from the
Province of Essex. There followed a magnifi cent set of fund-raising events, including a Raffl e,
Table Bing, Auction and Silent Auction. All these together raised another £15,000 making a
wonderful £25,000 on the night, a record for the MCF Charity Ball.
Good luck to Sussex for next year!
The Lombardian Inter-Lodge Golf Challenge
The Lombardian Inter-Lodge team event proved to be very close this year with 3 teams fi nishing with 43 points. Lombardian Inter-Lodge team event proved to be very close this year with 3 teams fi nishing with 43 points.
The eventual winners on count back were Darren Ridgwell & Rob Alabaster (Castle Point Lodge) from Paul e Darren Ridgwell & Rob Alabaster (Castle Point Lodge) from Paul
The eventual winners on count back wer
Halley (Rochfor
Halley (Rochford Daylight) & Phil Thomas (Old Southendian Lodge) with Dennis Lockhart & Darren Lee (Lodge of d Daylight) & Phil Thomas (Old Southendian Lodge) with Dennis Lockhart & Darren Lee (Lodge of
Fraternity) coming 3r
Fraternity) coming 3rd.d.
The raffl e raised £230 which was very well supported considering there were only 21 attending. Many thanks to those who raffl e raised £230 which was very well supported considering there were only 21 attending. Many thanks to those who
donated prizes especially Lloyd from Nore Lodge. A total of £430 was raised on the day with 50% going to the charity chosen prizes especially Lloyd from Nore Lodge. A total of £430 was raised on the day with 50% going to the charity chosen
by the winners and the other 50% go into SMGS charity account. The winners chose two charities: The Danny Green Fund
by the winners and the other 50% go into SMGS charity account. The winners chose two charities: The Danny Green Fund
and Epilepsy Action, the attached photo shows the winners being presented with the Trophy by this years Captain of SMGS
and Epilepsy Action, the attached photo shows the winners being presented with the Trophy by this years Captain of SMGS
Geoff Newman.
Geoff Newman.
Dear Reader,,
Dear Reader
We are rightly bringing men’s health matters into focus, e are rightly bringing men’s health matters into focus,
particularly with the CHAPS initiative. There is another with the CHAPS initiative. There is another
area which affects more men than women and that is an ea which affects more men than women and that is an
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. This affects 6 times as many Aortic Aneurysm. This affects 6 times as many
men as women over the age of 65. This aneurysm is a
men as women over the age of 65. This aneurysm is a
swelling of the aortic
swelling of the aortic artery which leads from the heart down through the tummy area. If the artery which leads from the heart down through the tummy area. If the
aneurysm bursts it is highly likely that death will follow within minutes. Between the ages of 64
aneurysm bursts it is highly likely that death will follow within minutes. Between the ages of 64
and 65 the screening for this condition is now routinely offered. However, anyone over the age
and 65 the screening for this condition is now routinely offered. However, anyone over the age
of 70/71 will not have had this offered to them. There are usually no symptoms and no warning
of 70/71 will not have had this offered to them. There are usually no symptoms and no warning
of the problem. The Triple A screening process is offered on the NHS by self referral. On the
of the problem. The Triple A screening process is offered on the NHS by self referral. On the
NHS website put ‘Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm’ into the search box and follow the links to a a
NHS website put ‘Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm’ into the search box and follow the links to
phone number for your nearest clinic.
phone number for your nearest clinic.
I would urge all of you over 70 to check whether you have been screened, and, if you haven’t,
I would urge all of you over 70 to check whether you have been screened, and, if you haven’t,
to do so as soon as you are able.
to do so as soon as you are able.
It is a very quick and painless ultra sound scan, and the result is given to you as soon as the scan
It is a very quick and painless ultra sound scan, and the result is given to you as soon as the scan
has been completed
has been completed.
Competition Winner
In the last edition we asked “Which APGM dressed up as a
Panda at the Lord Mayors Show”
The correct answer;
Peter Hollingsworth
W.Bro. Mike Saunders of
Ixion Lodge 2501 who meet in Harlow
Mike will receive a Provincial goody bag with some wonderful
items included
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