Page 36 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 36
Online Supplement
Epping Forest Lodge 4263
W.Bro James Fretwell PAGDC
50 Years
Full Article from page 11
.Bro Kenneth Montgomery PSGD, APGM, made his last
WOffi cial visit to Epping Forest Lodge on Saturday 9th
February 2019 before his retirement in March 2019, to carry out
a most pleasant duty of presenting W.Bro James Ernest Fretwell
PAGDC with his 50 Year in Freemasonry Certifi cate.
James Ernest Fretwell, was born in Stratford, East London on 21st
October 1933, one of 4 siblings and the eldest son.
Jim started his career working for the family business, The Fretwell heating company, and then as a proof reader for a shipping Company, before
moving into the drawing offi ce of Sulzer Bros. During this time he met Jean, who became his wife in 1955. They had 2 children, Laurence and Susan
and now have 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.
Jim studied at night school to obtain his qualifi cations and steadily worked his way through the ranks in Sulzer to become Sales Director, taking
early retirement in 1989. One of the highlights of his career was becoming President of his professional Institute, the Chartered Institute of Building
Services Engineers in 1999, and then a member of the Council and Executive Board.
Jim’s masonic career started when he was proposed into Freemasonry by W.Bro George Henry Goodall and seconded by Bro. George Godby, both
of whom were Jim’s work colleagues at Sulzer Bros. He was Initiated into Epping Forest Lodge on 8th February 1969, by W.Bro. Bill Carpenter on
our 197th meeting, where he was the 169th Initiate of the Lodge, and was rapidly passed and raised at the two subsequent meetings. Jim worked
his way through the progressive offi ces and took the Chair of the Lodge in November 1980. In February 1986 he had the pleasure of Initiating his
son into the same Lodge and subsequently passed and raised him. Jim received his fi rst Provincial appointment, an active rank of Provincial AGDC
in 1988, and in 1992 was promoted to PPDepGReg, and then to PPJGW in 1999. In November 2000 Jim was immensely proud to be able to Install
his son Laurence into the Chair of King Solomon in Epping Forest Lodge. In 2001 Jim received Grand Rank of PGStB. In 2003 Jim was appointed
as Provincial Junior Grand Warden in the Province. In 2010 Jim was promoted to the Grand Rank of PAGDC.
Jim was instrumental in forming Epping Forest Chapter in 1990 and was the Primus Scribe Ezra when the Chapter was Consecrated in 1991, an
offi ce which he held for 6 years before taking the Chair of the Chapter in 1997. Jim also exalted his son Laurence into the same Holy Royal Arch
Chapter in 1997, and subsequently Installed him as MEZ in 2005. Jim also became a member of Essex First Principals in 1993, and holds the Grand
Rank of PGStB.
Jim has also been very active with the Loughton Masonic Centre, having been appointed as Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Events
Committee for Group 3, in 2001 and successfully organising events for the ‘Freemasonry in the Community’ initiative. For the next 4 years Jim
remained as Chairman of the Events Committee and in his role as Treasurer raised funds for various Community projects, including a local school
for children with learning diffi culties and for the Loughton Masonic Centre Refurbishment Scheme (including a lift for disabled).
In 2003 Jim was appointed Chairman to the Board of Loughton Masonic Hall Company, a post he held for 9 years. During his tenure Jim introduced
an information Newsletter which was produced and circulated to all users of the hall at least twice per annum covering a variety of matters including
TLC, the Grand Charity, PEDoKC, honours, up-date on the Centre in general , Provincial news, and details of inter-centre activities (especially at
The APGM made a very eloquent and personal presentation of a 50th year
service certifi cate to W.Bro Jim Fretwell, remarking that it was actually particularly
relevant as today is actually 50 years to the date in which he was initiated into
the Lodge. During the presentation, W.Bro Ken Montgomery also recalled some
of his personal experiences during the last 50 years, which were very similar in
many respects to that of W.Bro Jim’s personal life, work and masonic career.
The APGM then presented a 50th year lapel pin to W.Bro Jim who responded
Counos Lodge 8133
Fellowship & Unity Lodge 8680
ounos Lodge 8133
Cachieved Vice Patron On the 16th of April the members of
and W.Bro Lee Taylor was
Fellowship & Unity Lodge 8680 wer
Fellowship & Unity Lodge 8680 were e
pleased to present the WM honour
honoured with an offi cial visit by the Assistant ed with an offi cial visit by the Assistant
William Morris with the
Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro.The Rev.ovincial Grand Master, W.Bro.The Rev.
certifi cate Martin Howse, PPGChap escorted by W.Bro..Bro.
Martin Howse, PPGChap escorted by W
Neil Mar
Also that night he was installed Neil March, ProvDepGDC. ch, ProvDepGDC.
into the chair of King Solomon At
At this meeting the Assistant Provincial Grand this meeting the Assistant Provincial Grand
for the second time by his brother Master, presented the Worshipful Master, , presented the Worshipful Master,
Terrence “Terry” Morris. W
W.Bro.Mark Walker with the Essex Festival 2022 .Bro.Mark Walker with the Essex Festival 2022
Grand Patron Certifi cate in recognition of their
Grand Patron Certifi cate in recognition of their
outstanding achievement.
outstanding achievement.