Page 28 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 28


         St Osyth’s Priory Lodge 2063 Welcomes
         Battlefi eld Lodge 714 Ontario, Canada

            t the meeting of St Osyth’s Priory Lodge No: 2063 at the Colvin Memorial Temple, Clacton on
         ASea in April 2019, we were delighted to receive as a visitor W.Bro Rod Mills from Battlefi eld
         Lodge No: 714 Ontario, Canada. Rod’s Great Grandfather was our Worshipful Master Edward
         Mills in 1901. In this year Queen Victoria died and Edward VII became King.
         W.Bro. Edward Mills was Senior Warden in 1900 and Junior Warden in 1899. The same year Coronation
         Chapter No: 2063 was proposed and three years later Consecrated. He was a Steward in 1896 which is
         twelve years after St. Osyth’s Priory Lodge was consecrated in 1884.
         During the meeting, the Worshipful Master presented Rod with a facsimile of the original minutes of his ancestor's Installation (which had been read in open
         Lodge that night) along with a copy of the summonses from his Initiation, Installation and his fi rst meeting as Worshipful Master.
         He was also presented with the history of the Temple and Clacton on Sea in the early 1900s, an Essex Provincial tie, a collar, an Essex Jewel from the 1800s and lapel badges
         for our Lodge No: 2063.
         W.Bro Rod Mills replied, thanking all the Brethren for the magnifi cent welcome he had received not only for himself but also for his wife who had been taken for a meal by
         our Ladies. He then presented to the Lodge a Jewel that had belonged a past Director of Ceremonies of our Lodge, which had been in his Great Grandfathers possession.
         Rod also gave some Brethren a Canadian Maple Leaf Lapel badge No: 714.
         The Worshipful Master Mike Perkins recorded his thanks to W.Bro. Peter Harris, Bro. Doug Carpenter, the Secretary Bro. Stephen Hutchins, Bro. John Richardson and W.Bro.
         Ian Bartlett for all the work they had carried out to put together such a wonderful package for our Brother from Canada to take home with him.
         A brief Masonic history of the Mills family: On the 19th April 1982, W.Bro. Ted Mills (Edward Mills son) assumed the Chair of King Solomon for the Initiation of his son Rod
         at Battlefi eld Lodge No. 714, Stoney Creek, Canada. The lodge celebrated their 50th Anniversary in 2015.

         Association of Friends Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court
         Stisted Hall Golf Classic 3rd June 2019

           his eagerly awaited annual event was supported by stalwarts and new players alike with some 13 teams competing
         Tand resulting in the closest competition ever. It was a lovely day all round and much laughter and nervous banter
         could be heard on the 1st and 10th tees when play commenced and stiff bodies coerced into action again.
         “The course was in excellent condition with recent rain and sunshine making the grass fresh and lush yet   Jeff Cripps
         the rough not too exacting so really there were no excuses!”                             Organiser
         The format of a single round Stapleford competition enabled a leisurely start with   Winning Team
         bacon baps and coffee at registration and a noon tee off time enabling a mid
         afternoon fi nish and an early supper so it was a really pleasant relaxing day.
         We are as always indebted to Jeff Cripps and Nigel Oldacre for their organisation in putting on
         the event for another year and remember this in 1 of only 2 major fund rais-ing events for the
         Association of Friends during the year and the support by players, or-ganisers and Braintree Golf
         Club is much appreciated. If you ever have a chance to visit Stisted Hall (rather than looking for
         lost balls in the grounds) you should do so, you will be well impressed and residents often are
         up for a chat and a cup of tea.
         This year our guest Tony White APGM representing the Provincial Grand Master Rodney L Bass.
         Tony is a great supporter of the Friends and a sponsor too, and addressed the diners after
         supper thanking them as ever for a very fi ne day and presented well earned prizes.
         Straightest Drive: Eddie Smith - Nearest the Pin: Steve Britt - Nearest the pin in 2 Paul Clark.

                                                                  Lindsay Garrett - Alex Jeans
                                                                  Joe Ward - Derek Kallmeier              Winner

                                                                                               Eddie Smith

                                                                                                         Runner Up

                                                                                                     John Barrick

                                                                                 DO JOIN US NEXT YEAR IT IS A GREAT DAY
                                                                                 OUT. WHY NOT MAKE A TEAM OF 4
                                                                                 Email -
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