Page 24 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 24
Essex Provincial Almoner
t is so good to be writing to you with such positive stories s so good to be writing to you with such positive stories
t i
about the work of Essex Almoners Workshops were held in
Iabout the work of Essex Almoners Workshops were held in
April around the Province and they were supported by 180
April around the Province and they were supported by 180
lodge/chapter almoners and their deputies who participated
lodge/chapter almoners and their deputies who participated
in looking at the role of the lodge almoner, deputy and the
in looking at the role of the lodge almoner, deputy and the
reports that are needed in the lodge, Excellent hospitality was
reports that are needed in the lodge, Excellent hospitality was
given to us in Upminster, Kirby Cross and Harlow and my thanks
given to us in Upminster, Kirby Cross and Harlow and my thanks
to them and to all who participated.
to them and to all who participated.
2020 Almoners Conference
Almoners Conference 2020 will be on the 4th April 2020 at Saxon Hall, Southend, please make a note of the date and
we hope to see all the lodge/chapter almoners or their deputies present. We are now planning the key note speakers
and it will be a great event.
Light Pen’s
The pens with a light on are going to be available again this autumn and winter, we had a sell out last year and we are always being asked for more. My thanks for your
support and all the profi t goes into the EPAF to help Essex Masons Invites to visit lodges and chapters are always welcomed, and if invited to speak we will give either a
short update on all our work in less than 10mins. or if preferred more formal papers can be delivered which usually last between 30mins and 40mins.
Loneliness and Social Isolation
Loneliness and social isolation is public enemy number one, and it does not just affect older people, social media was blamed by 22% of younger people for
making them feel lonely and isolated and just look at the consequences of all people who are lonely - Low self-esteem (30%), Depression
(27%), Anxiety (26%), Confusion (10%), Eating disorders (8%), poor eating (28%), Sleep issues (24%)
We often only realise that people are lonely when they tell us, but there are plenty of lonely people who never say a word. Loneliness can
feel like a dirty secret sometimes, like acknowledging that you’re somehow defi cient and defective. It’s as though
you didn’t get invited to the party or picked for the team, like everyone is playing the game while you just watch
from the side lines.
For many it feels shameful to say the words out loud – I’m lonely – so we mostly don’t. It hurts to admit that you
feel unwanted and invisible. The constant questions that are underneath the pain and the shame of being lonely
are, do I matter? and does anyone see me?
Be Generous
So, one of the most generous gifts we can give people is ourselves, our time, our attention and our willingness to care about them. When we show up for people in this
way, we answer people's deepest questions - you matter and I see you. This is what we call pastoral care.
There are many groups who may be lonely and it is not just the elderly, people whose partner works long hours, people who are grieving all kinds of losses, young people
who think they have no friends, teenagers who are left in the cold because they are not as adventurous as their peers, school children left alone in the playground, students
who prefer to study and not socialise, a party goer with no body to speak to and business folk of all ages who don’t get included in a meeting, don’t get asked for their
point of view or who are not recognised with a smile by their leader.
So, let us ask ourselves what can we do to make a life better, can we make a phone call, write a letter, visit somebody, look at somebody and ask for their opinion or just
smile at them, or can we sign post these people to get help? Whatever we can do will make a difference to that person.
We exist to relieve distress and we are trying to encourage lodges to develop widows/widowers’ lunches, tea clubs, games activities, theatre trips etc. to get people out
and about. But fi rst we have to identify people who are lonely and that is why I am asking for Lodge Almoners to promote this work in their lodge/chapter and to seek the
help of all members.
Hamilton Court Update A Great BBQ held in June with 25 +residents. Thanks
to W.Bro Chris Gun, master chef and all the ladies
who helped on the day. The enjoyment carried on till
late in the evening with glasses of Baileys and wine.
ince our last article we have had some major
Schanges at Hamilton Court. Following several We have arranged a trip to the Houses of Parliament
meetings with the Masonic Housing Association which will be sponsored by James Cleverly M.P. who
and great support from His Honour Ian Alexander will personally escort us on the tour. We have also
QC, we have been given the fi nances to replace all arranged for Mark Smith to attend in October to give
the kitchens at Hamilton Court. The programme us his famous talk on the V.C
started on the 1st April 2019 and is due to fi nish at
the end of June 2020. As of today 8 are complete and, We will start a monthly Sunday Coffee Morning for
the residents are delighted. Hopefully this will be any Mason who is interested to visit us and see the
followed by redecorating the corridors and stairwells. facility we are fortunate to have in Essex.
Suppliers of Equipment
Wheelchairs, Electric Scooters, Zimmer Frames ect.
Free of charge to Freemasons and their families within the Province of Essex to aid the recovery
of those suffering from illness or recuperating from surgery
Registered under Charities Acts 266577
The contact number for all enquiries is 07732 378656