Page 22 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 22
Additional Orders
Mark Provincial Grand Lodge
Felstead Annual Meeting
hursday the 30th of May saw the 2019 Essex Mark Provincial Grand Lodge take place,
Tonce again, at the picturesque setting of Felsted School. On what was, as before, a fi ne
day, over 350 Mark Masons from Essex and across the Country gathered together to attend
the meeting and enjoy the festive board afterwards.
Of note, again, was the signifi cant support in the number of displays and information stalls of
other Orders meeting in Essex, not just those under the auspices of Mark Grand Lodge, but
from Essex Craft and Royal Arch and all those that have an Essex footprint. By supporting and
encouraging membership of other Orders we all ensure that Essex Freemasonry will fl ourish.
Many took the time to speak to the representatives of the Orders, ask questions and, in many cases, W W W W
W.Bro. John Finlay, APGM “elect”.Bro. John Finlay, APGM “elect”.Bro. John Finlay, APGM “elect”.Bro. John Finlay, APGM “elect”.Bro. John Finlay, APGM “elect”
take away joining forms.
Our own Regalia Store was also there with a signifi cant amount of pre-loved regalia sold to
members not only saving them a signifi cant amount but also raising a signifi cant amount for
the Essex Mark Welfare Fund.
With Provincial Lodge opened, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern,
formally welcomed our guests who numbered over 40 from other Provinces and Heads
of other Essex Masonic Orders- a splendid attendance and a measure of the success of
our Province. We were also introduced to the "father" of the Province, W.Bro. Clarence
"Dick" Caldwell (a sprightly 96 years young) as well as the newest member, "fresh from the
quarries", Bro. Tony Hicks who was Advanced into the Beriffe Lodge just two weeks ago.
One surprise to us all was the announcement of the retirement of V.W. Bro. Anthony
Latham, APGM and that he was to be replaced by our current Provincial Grand Director
Craft Provincial Executive at the Mark Provincial Grand of Ceremonies, W.Bro. John Finlay, AGDC. He will be invested at the meeting of the Essex
Lodge Meeting - John Davis, Graham Dickerson, Chas Elliott Installed Mark Masters Lodge on Thursday, 12th September, to which all Mark Masons are
and Lee Taylor
Essex Mark Combined Stewards Lodge 1628
Double Advancement
he Essex Combined Stewards Lodge, No. 1628 which meets at Orsett Masonic Hall, saw two more Craft Stewards Advanced into Mark Masonry in
Tan excellent meeting a few days ago which also had the DPGM, VWBro. Richard Bowyer. an APGM, WBro. Mark Reeve and the ProvGSW, WBro. Bill
Fraser present.
The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Paul Thurgood, with some fi ne assistance from his Offi cers and several willing volunteers
in the persons of Roger Wacey, PastAPGM as the Senior Deacon as well as Derek Oliver and Charles White, conducted
the meeting in a superb manner.
The Overseers were, apparently, led by a particularly offi cious Master Overseer in the person of Bob Potts, PastAPGM
with Roy Kaye and Len Abrahams in the Senior and Junior Chairs. Credit was also due to the Director of Ceremonies,
John Finlay, for the organisation and direction of everyone concerned and for ensuring it all ran smoothly. The Lodge was
also honoured by the presence of several visitors from other Stewards Lodges in neighbouring Provinces.
Finally, the WM was also pleased to accept a Grand Patron Gold Award MBF Collarette to mark the several thousands of
pounds that have been donated to the MBF by the Lodge in total which was presented by the DPGM, VWBro. Richard
Combined Stewards is "special" Mark Lodge which is growing fast. It is open to anyone to be Advanced into (or join)
who holds or has held Offi ce as a Provincial/District or Grand Steward (or equivalent) in any Masonic Order. If that's you, Bro. Sean Fitzgerald, a Craft PProvGStwd o. Sean Fitzgerald, a Craft PProvGStwd
of the Valence Lodge, No. 5388
then mayhap you ought to join them! Whilst membership is restricted to Stewards, all Mark Masons are welcome to of the Valence Lodge, No. 5388
Bro. Stuart McMillan, a Craft PProvGStwd
attend as guests. of the Roding Lodge, No. 3090
n b Brentwood 377
n behalf of the Essex Provincial Grand ehalf of the Essex Provincial Grand
OMark Lodge Benevolent Fund W.Bro Paul Mark Lodge Benevolent Fund W.Bro Paul W.Bro Jack Saunders
S Snoad was pleased and delighted to present noad was pleased and delighted to present
a donation of £100.00 to Ms Syrie Cox CEO of donation of £100.00 to Ms Syrie Cox CEO of witnessed by the PGM
Southend YMCA in support of the Sleep on the outhend YMCA in support of the Sleep on the No Pressure !!
Pitch campaign, which was held on Saturday
18th May 2019, at Southend United FCs, Roots Brentwood Mark recently held its
Hall Stadium, where teams had been camping Installation meeting where Jack
out on the pitch over night, and were involved Saunders was Installed Master. Jack
will be known to many as one of the
in activities during the course of the event, all in communications team and largely
awareness of youth homelessness in Southend responsible for our "social media" output. A keen, committed and
and the surrounding areas. young(er!) Mark Mason, Jack said "Just home from Brentwood Mark
No .377 where I was installed into the chair of Adoniram. What a
If you, or your Lodge would be interested in nerve wrecking evening, but thoroughly enjoyable! I am looking
learning more about the work and the fund forward to Advancing a candidate into our wonderful Order. I thank
raising activities the Southend YMCA does in the all the offi cers, members and the many guests who attended also"
local community then please, contact Ms Sacha
Edwards, The Provincial Grand Master, RW.Bro. Terence Sheern, in recognition
or by telephone 01702 431676, where Sacha will of Jacks' commitment to Mark Masonry, made an unoffi cial visit and
was very pleased to receive a cheque for the Essex Mark Welfare
be pleased to assist, with your enquiry. Fund from the new Master.