Page 8 - Essex Mason Issue 84
P. 8


        The Provincial Website
                     Redesign & Support


           he R.W Provincial Grand Master is seeking to form a small team with the skills, time & inclination to
        Thelp the Province to design/create, publish/host and manage a new public-facing and a separate new
        internal (members only) Provincial website. This will ultimately replace the current public-facing website and
        The Cube.
        We are indebted to W.Bro Colin Felton, the Provincial Communications Officer, for the work that went into the present websites
        but his increasing workload as Provincial Grand Charity Steward (as the Festival gathers pace) have precluded him for undertaking
        the rebuild.
                 The current public-facing website is already successful in attracting direct applicants for membership
                 of Essex Freemasonry and we hope to be able to build upon that success. If you believe you have
                 the time & ability to help us achieve that please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro
                 Phil Lovelock, at and let him know what your particular areas of
                 expertise are and what you would be able to do for us.

                                              Visiting Romania

                                             One of the greatest pleasures masonry offers is to visit other Lodges and to receive
                                             visitors to your own Lodge. Seeing the varying traditions and rituals practiced by
                                             others is both enjoyable and an education in itself as well as making new friends.
                                             I met  Bro. Mihai  Ogasanu when  he was working  in Southend  for a few months
                                             and having invited him to various meeting we kept in touch on his return home to
                                             Romania. The result was a visit to his Lodge in Bucharest, Romania by W.Bro. Chris
                                             Smith and myself.

        The Temple (pictured) where Bro. Mihai meets was designed by another member of his Lodge, W.Bro. Tudor Radulescu who is
        an architect now living and working in London. W.Bro. Tudor has visited Woodrolfe Lodge at Tollesbury and one of the meetings
        of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex at Great Queen Street.
        While in Bucharest we visited their parliament building which we were told is second only in size to the Pentagon. It has one
        massive room after another and corridors that seem to go on forever. One pair of curtains hanging in a magnificent stair well
        would have needed a crane to lift them into position due to their weight and length.
        The only consistent thing I have found when visiting and particularly when visiting abroad is the welcome. It says a lot about this
        wonderful organisation of  freemasonry which we enjoy.

        Bro. Mihai’s Lodge are keen to ‘twin’ with an Essex Lodge and to enjoy exchange visits. If your Lodge is interested in this
        possibility please contact me at
                                                                                                W.Bro. Brian Wright

       Manor of Newland Lodge 6403

                                                                    he Manor of Newland Lodge No.6403 held it’s 71st
                                                                 TInstallation  meeting  at  Witham  Masonic  Hall  on
                                                                 Thursday 26th April 2018. The meeting was a very well
                                                                 supported occasion with the Provincial Grand Master,
                                                                 R.W.Bro Rodney Lister Bass OBE, accompanied by W.Bro
                                                                 Lee Taylor, ProvGDC in attendance.
                                                                 It was the second time that W.Bro Jack Keyes had been
                                                                 installed the Chair of King Solomon. The previous occasion
                                                                 took place 34 years ago and W.Bro Jack made it apparent
                                                                 that the passing of time had not diminished his gift with
                                                                 the Ritual in any way.  The Ceremony was
        followed by a Festive Board which continued in the same vein of brotherly love,  but in a more relaxed and
        humorous atmosphere.
        R.W.Bro Rodney Bass proposed the toast to W.Bro Jack in a very warm and affectionate manner, relating at one
        point how it was W.Bro Jack’s father who had first proposed the young PGM into Freemasonry. During the course
        of the evening the Charity Steward, W.Bro Henry Bass PPJGW presented a cheque for £500 to the PGM as a
        donation to the Essex Provincial Festival 2022.

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