Page 5 - Essex Mason Issue 84
P. 5


                                                                   Villerica Lodge 4053

                                            t the Villerica Lodge 4053 meeting on Saturday 21st April 2018,  W.Bro Fred Steed
                                        Awas presented with a Certificate of 60 years of meritorious service by W.Bro Peter
                                         Hollingsworth APGM.
                                         Fred was initiated into the Villerica Lodge  on 23rd April 1958.  His father had been Master
                                          in 1954 and Fred was Master in the year the Lodge celebrated its 50th Anniversary.  He
                                          held the position of Asst Secretary and then Secretary in the late 70’s and early 80’s.
                                           He retired from the Secretary’s post in
                                            1987 because he moved firstly to Leighton
                                            Buzzard in Beds and on his Retirement to
                                            Suffolk in 1989.

        Since  then  his  Masonry  has  been  more  focused  on  Suffolk.    He  was  a  Founder
        Member of Laconic Lodge No: 9771 and subsequently it’s Master.  He has been
        awarded Past Provincial Junior Warden in both Essex and Suffolk.
        At the same meeting the Worshipful Master W.Bro's Matt Lucas and W,Bro Chris
        Jeakins (Charity Steward) presented the APGM with a cheque donating £10,000
        to the Essex 2022 Festival.

       Benfleet Lodge 3798

          he  Centenary  of  Benfleet  Lodge  No.  3798  was
        Tcelebrated at an Emergency Meeting held at Saxon
        Hall, Southend Masonic Centre on the 22nd. February
        2018. The meeting was attended by the Provincial Grand
        Master, Right Worshipful Rodney Lister Bass OBE together
        with the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and members of
        the Provincial Executive.
        The Lodge was opened in excellent form and was delighted
        to received the Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful
        Rodney Lister Bass OBE together with the Deputy Provincial
        Grand Master and members of the Provincial Executive.
                                                                            Centenary Meeting
        The Lodge history, highlighting the last 100 years of Benfleet
        Lodge was delivered by W.Bro. S. Hollands, after which the
        Provincial Grand Secretary, Worshipful Brother Philip Lovelock read out the new Centenary Warrant to the Lodge.
        The Provincial Grand Master then presented and entrusted the Centenary Warrant to the Worshipful Master Mark Inns. He then bestowed on the
        Worshipful Master a promotion with the rank of Provincial Grand Steward to mark the occasion.
        The then Provincial Grand Chaplain, W.Bro Rev. Martin Howse (APGM), delivered an Oration and blessed the Benfleet Lodge.
        The Worshipful Master rose and presented to the Provincial Grand Master, on behalf of the members of Benfleet Lodge the sum of £10,000 to go
        to the Essex 2022 Festival. At which point Worshipful Brother Peter Hollingsworth Assistant Provincial Grand Master, presented the Worshipful
        Master with a framed certificate which stated that the Lodge had reached Patron status of the Essex 2022 Festival.
        Greetings were read from Worshipful Brother Douglas Wilson, PPJGW, who, at the age of 99 years and a
        subscribing member of the Lodge for 72 years, was unable to attend due to his advancing years.
        The raffle held at the Festive Board raised £1,000 in aid of Stisted Hall, TLC Appeal and Paediatric Nursing Team
        Rochford and Southend
       Tracing Board Club

          astle Point Lodge 9122 Following a tradition of allowing new members to participate in ritual presentation
       Cat the earliest stage, Alan Anthony, The then Lodge D.C. posed the question of taking it to a further level
       Having this in mind, he then encouraged the lodge’s latest Fellowcraft member at the time, Joe Doherty, to learn and present the Second Degree
       Tracing Board, while still a Fellowcraft Freemason himself. Joe readily accepted this challenge and became the first member of the lodge to
       achieve this accolade.
                           Not knowing if this would continue into the future, the next Fellowcraft, Matt Harrington, was also encouraged to
                           do the same. This was again successful and was subsequently followed by Darren Ridgwell, Adam Horn and Gregg
                           Workman. It was at this stage, following this success, that Alan thought they may have the beginnings of what might be
                           considered to be a 'Tracing Board Club'.
                           Alan set about designing and commissioning a lapel pin that would be awarded to each member who met the criteria.
                           At their meeting on 13th March 2018, when two more members were passed, the Worshipful Master Rob Alabaster,
                                      presented these five members with the unique lapel pin consisting of the two great pillars, represented
                                      in open lodge by the Warden’s columns, and the Fellowcraft’s rosettes, depicting that it was a Fellowcraft
                                      Freemason who presented the Tracing Board.
          (left) W.M. Rob
         Alabaster with Joe           The Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Nick Franklin was present and congratulated the members
            Doherty                   on their considerable achievement, saying that he hoped the new 'Tracing Board Club' would continue
                                      long into the future.
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