Page 26 - Essex Mason (Issue 87) Online Version
P. 26
Additional Orders
No 2016
Essex Armed Forces Lodgessex Armed Forces Lodge
Essex Armed Forces Lodge
Mark Master Masons
E ssex Armed Forces Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 2016 was the first new Mark Lodge to be consecrated in Essex for nearly 20 years.
There were 19 Founding Members of the Lodge, whose combined service to Queen and Country totalled 212 years. The event
generated a great deal of interest from within the Province and beyond, with several members of Middlesex Armed Forces Lodge, No
1999 included in the 75 brethren attending.
The Consecrating Officer, RW.Bro Terry Sheern, PGM, accompanied by his Provincial
Officers, was received into the Lodge with great acclaim.
Many of the assembled Brethren had not seen this Ceremony carried out before, and it
was remarked that it was a very moving Ceremony carried out to the highest standard.
The PGM then handed the Gavel to the Installing Officer, W.Bro Mark Reeve, who
proceeded to install the Worshipful Master Designate, W Bro William Dyer, who then
installed and invested the officers of the Lodge.
The Worshipful Master closed the Lodge, and the last post was played prior to the
closing ode and national anthem, a tribute to all members of the Armed Forces and a
distinctive characteristic and future tradition of the lodge. Brethren retired to the bar
where the founding members wore their service headdress.
The PGM then thanked the Lodge for making him, and his consecrating team, honorary members and proceeded to present small
tokens of thanks to the founding members. To the RAF, he presented a jar of Brylcreem, to the Navy and Marines, miniature bottles
of Rum and to the Army members, boot polish. This received a great amount of applause and laughter from all present.
The raffle raised £300 which was then duly presented to the PGM for the Essex Mark Welfare Fund.
The evening finished with all the Brethren parting company having renewed old friendships and making new ones and looking forward
to the next meeting to be held at the County Hotel, Chelmsford in March 2020.
If you would like to visit this unique Essex Lodge please contact the Secretary by email
Fillebrook RAM Lodgeillebrook RAM Lodge
Lodge of Excellenceodge of Excellence
When Fillebrook RAM Lodge
had to close it was a very sad
occasion, however this story
has a happy ending. Our PGM
held the warrant in abeyance.
The idea was formulated by
John Finlay and Mick West
to resurrect the Lodge as a
“Lodge of Excellence “ for
DC’s and ADC’s, to assist
Lodges with their ritual.
The PGM was keen on the idea as he has often quoted “The candidate is the most important person”.
After a great deal of work, the Lodge was re-opened by the PGM, RW Bro T. D. Sheern assisted by his Provincial Officers, and John
Finlay was installed as Worshipful Commander.
At the Festive Board the PGM proposed the toast to the new Worshipful Commander, who responded by presenting the PGM with a
bottle of his favourite tipple to thank him for his support and assistance in helping to resurrect Fillebrook RAM Lodge.
The Lodge will meet twice a year, once in Chingford and at another venue in the north of the Province. Visitors are most welcome,
and joining forms are preferred. Further details are available from their Scribe David Hook by email on
Membership is not restricted to DC’s, as the Lodge will welcome anyone interested in improving their ritual. Further details of this
Lodge can also be found on our website at