Page 28 - Essex Mason (Issue 87) Online Version
P. 28

                               The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of The Temple he United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of The Temple
                               and St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England nd St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England
                               and Wales and Provinces Overseasnd Wales and Provinces Overseas

                      In September the Province held its Annual Family Church Service at St.Peter-in-
                      the-Fields Church at Bocking, followed by an afternoon tea at the Howard Hall
                                             Masonic Centre, Braintree.

             n Friday 25th October the Province
             held  its  Annual  Malta  meeting  at
       OSouthend, with over 100 knights
       and guests attending. The guests included
       Kt Paul Reeves, Deputy Prov. Grand Master
       and E.Kt. Nick Franklin, Deputy Grand
       Superintendent  of  the Royal  Arch (both
       representing E.Kt. Rodney Bass) as well as
       a number of the Heads of Other Orders in
       Essex.  Sixteen  candidates  took  their  Malta
       Degree, a record number for recent years.
       Among  the candidates  were two  Craft
       APGM’s - Kt. Peter Hollingsworth ( who acted
       as the “representative candidate” during the
       ceremony and Kt. Lee Taylor.

       Once again E.Kt. Roger Smith, the Prov. Sub-Prior presided over
       an excellent ceremony, ably assisted by V.E.Kt. Ray Clare and E.Kt.
       Chris Smith. The Province was also honoured by the presence of
       the Great Sub-Prior of Malta, V.E.Kt. Steve Warwick who undertook
       the marathon task of the “dubbing and accolade” for every knight
       in a delightful manner as they completed another part of their
       Masonic journey by becoming Knights of Malta. At the conclusion   FULLY EQUIPPED MASONIC
       of the meeting, in his address to the knights, the Provincial Prior
       R.E.Kt.  John  Helliar,  announced  the  re-launch  of  the  recently   TEMPLE FOR HIRE
       expanded booklet “Additional Information for the Knights of the
       Province of Essex” for  newly  Installed  Knights  following their
       entry  into  the  Order  as  well  as  for                          Eastwood Road North
       more  established  knights  as  a  point                                  Leigh-on-Sea
       of  reference.  He also  mentioned the
       proposed  launch  of  a  new  Provincial                                   IDEAL FOR
       KT  Website  in  the  New  Year.

                                                                        LODGE Meeting or LOI's
       On display at the festive board                                    Fully Equipped Kitchen and Dining Room
       was  a  bronze  swift.  This  had
       been awarded by the Order                                This venue is also ideal for Choir Practice or Committee Meetings
       of St. John to the Province for
       the   Province’s  outstanding                                     Contact Mrs. L. Potticary
       contributions to the St. John of                                        07771 762 418
       Jerusalem Eye  Hospital Group                           
       which provides free medication
       and operations to the poor of
       Israel and Palestine.

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