Page 31 - Essex Mason (Issue 87) Online Version
P. 31

Long Service

                                                                                           Sam MacKayam MacKay
                                                                                     Beacon Light Lodgeeacon Light Lodge
                                          Sam was initiated into Beacon Light Lodge in 1968.  When travelling to London became
                                          too much he joined the Lodge of True Friendship before becoming a joining member of
                                          Crowstone lodge 3298.
                                          Sam, a busy man, and renowned business leader in Southend  spends nearly all his time
                                          running his company, being a justice of the peace, rotary and Freemasonry.
                                          Due to his busy life he never went beyond the office of J.D in the lodge of True friendship.
                                          After being a permanently invited guest to Crowstone lodge he decided to become a
                                          joining member in 1996. Sam used to help his great friend W.Bro Macey in his duty as
                                          Steward, but Sam never took any other office.

       13 years ago he invited me to join Crowstone lodge. He informed me that in all the time he had been involved in masonry he had
       never in all the years proposed or seconded a single person. As I was new to freemasonry he took me under his wing as all good
       proposers should.
       Sam went regularly to all functions, meetings and more especially the L.O.I.  He encouraged me and supported me, inside and outside
       the lodge.  He received the rank of persiuvan due to his commitment and support of the lodge, and 7 years ago he supported me
       through the chair of King Solomon.
       Until a few years ago when myself, and the rest of the lodge decided we should try as hard as we could to get Bro Mackay installed
       as master.  I can say with great pride in the officers and members Crowstone lodge on  the 4th of October we made it a reality.
       W.Bro S.Mackay was regularly installed in the
       chair of King Solomon according to ancient
       custom of the Crowstone Lodge No3298.
       To make the evening even more special was
       the fact that the ruling master sustained an
       injury which enabled myself to conduct the
       ceremony.  I’m not sure many candidates have
       had the chance to install their proposer  as
       WM for the first time.  It was a great privilege
       and honour to conduct the ceremony and it
       will remain with me forever.

        Clive Higgins  live Higgins  Little Heath LodgeLittle Heath Lodge

       “Clive has spent half his years in the Lodge as Treasurer”50
         ittle Heath Lodge were privileged to receive both the
       LDeputy PGM and The APGM at the double celebration
       meeting of their 75th anniversary and W.Bro Clive Higgins 50th
       anniversary.                                                                      Reg Sheppard

       The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW.Bro Paul Reeves              50 years in Danehurst Lodge
       accepted the gavel on his entrance and continued to conduct the   On  the  12th  October  2019  W.Bro  Reg  Sheppard  PPJGW
       double celebration meeting (the WM, Andy Bartlett had been   completed 50 years of membership of Danehurst Lodge 4541.
       delayed due to an emergency in the Lakeside shopping centre   W.Bro Reg was presented with a 50th Anniversary Certificate
       where Andy is employed as their Technical Services Manager).   by W.Bro Nick Franklin , Assistant Provincial Grand Master , on
                                                                behalf of the PGM . The brethren of the Lodge also presented
       There were 70 members and guests attending which included an   W.Bro Reg with a set of engraved crystal wine glasses and a
       excellent display team and colour from the Provincial Sword and   bottle of red water to christen them with.
       Standard  Bearers,  along  with  Provincial  Deacons  escorting  the
       Provincial Executive into the Lodge. The Deputy PGM, presented   In his response Reg observed that he was as old as the Lodge
       Clive with gifts from the Lodge, whilst the APGM, W.Bro Chas   and he therefore gave an advance invitation to W.Bro Nick and
       Elliott  presented  Clive  with  a  letter  and  a  certificate  from  the   all present to join him at the Lodge Centenary celebration in
       PGM.                                                     2023.

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