Page 21 - Essex Mason (Issue 87) Online Version
P. 21


       Grant Awards from the MCF
       I am often asked about grants that Essex get from the MCF, well from January to November 2019 we made to the MCF 102 formal
       enquiries, we received a total of 185 grants versus 178 last year and these totalled £389K versus £344K last year. Overall, we received
       the 3rd largest sum of grants from all the provinces excluding the Metropolitan District
       Social Isolation - A New Approach
       This is one of the terrors of our modern life and as we live longer so the problems get worse. Social Isolation usually effects the
       elderly but not always and many young and middle-aged people can be affected. There will be more on this at the Lodge Almoners
       conference in April.
       Loneliness often leads to other illnesses, bad lifestyles, poor eating and little or no exercise. As a result, serious ill health is often the

       To continue our efforts in tackling this we have taken into the team, Gary Neilson, a mason who wants to make a difference by initially
       helping our widows to meet each other and socialise. Gary can be contacted on 07786 151587 if you have ideas to help him
       I have been in touch with all Masonic Centres last year and several are very keen to assist in this work, I am grateful to those that have
       come forward
       Lodge Almoners Conference 2020
       The Lodge Almoner’s conference will be held on the 4th
       April 2020 at Saxon Hall Masonic Centre in Southend and
       registration is from 8.30am with the conference starting at
       All Lodge and Chapter Almoners & their deputies have now
       been invited by the Provincial Grand Master, the speakers
       are booked and each presentation is designed to add value
       and to give a focus on the work of the lodge almoner.
       The key presentations will be from Age Concern, Turn 2 Us,
       MCF enquiries team, a senior lodge almoner, health care
       specialists, claimant stories, plus words from myself and the

       It is essential to pre book by contacting Gary Hostler on
       07799 803052 or
       Our goody bags this year will contain something that will be
       of great help to an almoner, so come along and see what’s
       in store for you.
       Prostate  Cancer  News  -  A  Free  one  day  trial  testing
       programme – 30th April
       The testing programme for this year  with CHAPS/NHS will
       be different and instead of holding a series of half day events
       around the province which generally are not all well attended,
       we have arranged to hold a one day event in the centre of the
       province at the Essex County Cricket Ground, New Writtle St,
       Chelmsford CM2 0PG from 12noon to 8pm. On this occasion
       this will be free to all men, masons and non masons, however
       donations are requested on the day. In addition to the test for
       prostate cancer there will be a variety of other men’s health
       checks available on the day such as Diabetes, Aortic Aneurysm
       Screen, Skin Cancer, Cardio Vascular and Nutrition
       Prostate cancer testing is so important and at the moment we
       are not attracting nearly enough men in such a large province
       as Essex, the quote below from a mason says so much.
       A recent quote from a prostate cancer patient
       “My name is Alan Harding and I am a member of the Lodge
       of True Friendship 160 in Rochford. I have Prostate Cancer and it came to light following a screening with CHAP’s earlier last year
       at Saxon Hall. I had no symptoms, no ill health or any idea that I may be in danger prior to attending the screening. Had a friend
       of mine not died earlier in the year of Prostate cancer and Saxon Hall wasn’t on my way home, I may not have attended and a year
       later it would have been too late. However, the screening caught it early and I should now be Ok. I need to express my gratitude to
       the wonderful job that CHAPS and Essex Almoners do to promote this work, and I would urge all men to be tested”
       To pre-book an appointment please go to For further assistance or information,
       please contact Celine Larkin on 07873 541505 or email

                               Provincial Grand Almoner

                          W.Bro  Nick Clarke PAGDC

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