Page 13 - Essex Mason (Issue 87) Online Version
P. 13

New Masons

                                                                                            Family Affair

                                                                   The Lodge of Borrowed Light 9054

                                                                       he Lodge of Borrowed Light No 9054 held a
                                                                    Tvery special meeting at Harlow on Thursday 17th
                                                                    October 2019 where W.Bro Gary Miller was asked to
                                                                    take the Masters chair in order to Initiate his son Harry,
                                                                    under dispensation as Harry is a week away from his
                                                                    21st birthday. Also present
                                                                    was the candidates Uncle Ian,
                                                                    twin brother of Gary.
                                                                    A very special meeting and
                                                                    enjoyable festive board.

       Left to right… Bro Ian Miller (EA) – Uncle to the initiate. Bro Harry Miller (EA – 20
       Years old – Initiate).  W.Bro Gary Miller (father of Initiate). W.Bro Lee Taylor APGM

       It was a VERY special and emotional Meeting for Gary, as the initiation of his son was also Gary’s 19th
       Anniversary of becoming a Freemason and certainly one of his proudest Masonic moments to date.
       Gary has always had a great interest in all Vintage or Antique items that have a connection with English
       Freemasonry, with this in mind he thought it would be great for Harry (his son) to own this Lewis Jewel,
       and, wear it with pride, Gary commented “this is a Footprint of our Family’s Masonic History”.
       The names on the Jewel are as follows;
       Bro. Richard Robert Robbins
       Initiated into the Lodge of Light 23rd of November 1962.
       Encouraged into Freemasonry by his employers, a Funeral Director’s by the name of Hayes & English.  Lewis Jewel - 5 Generations
       Sadly, Gary’s grandfather died from a heart attack, just before
       the Meeting he was due to be installed in to the Chair as
                                                               Band on the Runhe Run
       Master of the Lodge                                     Band on t
                                                               Ladies Nights
       Second on the Jewel is Gary’s Uncle,
       W.Bro David Richard Robbins
       The first Lewis of the Family, a retired Police Officer and very   Ladies Nights
       keen Mason who went on to achieve Grand Rank, and also   Disco
       celebrated 50 years in Freemasonry in January 2016.
       Third name on the Jewel is Gary Miller,
       Initiated 19th October 2000, Worshipful Master 2007 and
       was appointed Provincial Grand  Steward in 2010 and in
       2014 was appointed PPDepGswdB
       Next on the list is Gary’s Brother,                                 Band on the Run
       Bro. Ian David Miller
       Initiated the same day as Gary, as a double Initiation and had     is a popular, versatile
       to be recorded on the Lewis Jewel. Sadly, over the years Ian’s
       work and Family have kept him far too busy for his interest in          5 piece band
       Freemasonry to flourish.
       Sadly, Ian lost his wife Joanne Miller in the early part of this         ideal for all
       year and of course is missed by all the family, but he has since
       shown a rejuvenated interest in Freemasonry.                         types of functions
       The last name on the Jewel is;
       Bro. Harry Aldo Gandolfi Miller
       Harry has always shown an interest and curiosity towards
       Freemasonry and no doubt his dad’s briefcase full of Regalia   Visit our website for more details or contact isit our website for more details or contact
       stirred this up. The Lodge all wished Harry the very best as
       his unwritten Masonic future may unfold.                          Ian Rice for a demo CD
       Harry was Initiated 17th of October 2019 into the Lodge of
       Borrowed Light 9054 19 years but to days of his fathers first
       regular step.
                                                                   Tel: 01621 817 320 or 07802 858843
                                                                       Toastmaster Also Availableoastmaster Also Available

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