Page 38 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 38
Online Supplement
Joshua Nunn Lodge 2154
Joshua Nunn Lodge Support Halstead Air Training Corp... W.Bro Malcolm Smith, Secretary
and W.Bro Jim Gage, Charity Steward of Joshua Nunn Lodge No. 2154 attended the Open
Evening of 1163 (Colne Valley) Squadron on Monday 25th March to present a cheque for
£400.00 to Sergeant Emily Stewart and cadet Sergeant William Birch.
The funds will be added to the cost of replacing the ATC Squadron’s trailer which was recently stolen from their
Courtauld Sports Field Headquarters and reported in the local press. The lodge responded to this news by
donating the sum raised from an earlier raffl e to this very worthwhile organisation.
After the presentation Flight Lieutenant Paul Davison RAFAC, the Commanding Offi cer gave an interesting talk on
the activities enjoyed by the cadets including ‘Essex Wing’ adventurous training events where the trailer was an
essential piece of equipment.
The Essex Mason
Woodham Walter
Community Defi brillator
he Brethren of Beeleigh Abbey Lodge 7017 take the values of
TFreemasonry very seriously. Integrity, kindness, honesty, fairness and
charity are an integral part of Masonic life but charity extends beyond
being inward looking and moves into the community as a whole.
The residents of the village of Woodham Walter have every reason to be thankful for this ethos. Set the task to raise funds for a Parish Council but
Church led community defi brillator, the Churchwarden, W. Bro. Paul Clark PPGSwdB, himself a member of Beeleigh Abbey Lodge, raised the matter
at a Lodge meeting and the Brethren rallied by making a signifi cant contribution towards the acquisition, not just by making a fi nancial grant but also
by voluntarily giving up their time and expertise to ensure the project was a enabled and based in the redundant village telephone kiosk purchased
by the Parish Council.
Bro. Stephen Nunn, a local Maldon historian of repute, launched the project with a fund raising talk on St Roger of Beeleigh, which raised a signifi cant
sum; W.Bro. Martin Cook PPJGW helped raise money by playing the organ at fund raising events; Charity Steward W.Bro. Martin Harvey PPAGReg
obtained approval for a charitable grant that, when added to other funds raised by Bro. Nunn and the Village, allowed the defi brillator to be purchased.
A defi brillator is best used, but not exclusively, by trained operators and Bro. Peter Stilts, a specialist trainer in such fi rst aid matters, voluntarily assisted
by training some twenty-three operators so there is a spread of personnel across the Village.
The Parish Council Chairman John Tompkins, together with a number of village volunteers refurbished the iconic K6 telephone box that is now fully
commissioned as a community defi brillator access point and managed by a community group.
The image depicts (from L-R) W.Bro. John Tompkins PAGSuptWks, (Chairman of the Parish Council), W.Bro. Barrie Harding PPGSwdB (Treasurer
of the Parochial Church Council), and from Beeleigh Abbey Lodge W.Bro. Martin Harvey PPAGReg (Charity Steward), W.Bro. Paul Clark PPGSwdB
(Churchwarden), Bro. Peter Stilts and Bro. Peter Richardson PPGPurs (Lodge Secretary). Bro. Stephen Nunn was on holiday at the time of the photo
Lucton Lodge 3353
On the 25th February 2019 Lucton Lodge 3353 held its regular meeting at Loughton Masonic centre
where W.Bro Martin Wheatley (pictured centre) presided over his fi rst full working meeting since his
installation in January 2019.
W.Bro Jim Jefferson presented a talk entitled "Preparing the Candidate for Initiation", which was well received by all
members and guests alike, and all in the presence of W/Bro Peter Hollingsworth APGM and his accompanying ADC W.Bro
Neil March. After the meeting the Worshipful Master along with the lodge treasurer W.Bro Trevor Sumner presented a
cheque to W.Bro Peter of £300.00 towards the 2022 festival (photograph attached). The occasion was then completed
with the festive board which was enjoyed by all.
W. Bro Colin Wenden and Mike Saffi ll presenting a cheque to the value of
£500.00 to help with the running costs of the Hearing Help Essex Charity.