Page 15 - Essex Mason Issue 84
P. 15

Provincial DC's Corner

        n my role as Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies for Essex I am regularly
       Iasked questions regarding protocol and procedure. I will therefore be writing
       articles in the forthcoming editions of the Essex Mason magazine, intended to
       answer some of the more common ones.


       One of the more common questions I receive concerns the correct wearing of
       Jewels, especially as we are moving towards the Festival 2022.

                      In a Craft Lodge the Royal Arch Jewel takes precedence over all
                      other Jewels and as such should be worn closest to the centre of
                      the body and your heart. In a Royal Arch Chapter a Companion
                      would wear his a PZ Jewel next but in a Craft Lodge that is incorrect; as a PZ Jewel should
                      not be worn in a Craft meeting; in the same way that you would not wear a Past Master’s
                      jewel in a Royal Arch meeting.

       If you were a member of the Craft between 24th June 2016 and 31st December 2017 you are entitled, if you
       are already or become a Master Mason, to wear a Tercentenary Jewel. It should be worn immediately next
       to your RA jewel (if you have one).  Next to that you should wear your Past Master jewel and any Centenary
       jewels you are entitled to wear.

       The current Festival Jewel (page 19) is then worn last, to the outside of the body.

                       In many Provinces it is generally accepted that when a Past Master is appointed to Provincial
                       Grand Rank he no longer wears a Past Masters Jewel. In fact, it is normal practice In many
                       lodges for a Past Master to return his PM jewel to the lodge to be re-used when he becomes
                       a Provincial Officer, a nice sentiment and a saving for the Lodge.

                       Whatever the norm in your lodge, Essex protocol dictates that Provincial Officers who hold
                       an acting/active rank do not wear a Past Masters Jewel; the only exception being if they are
                       attending a meeting of their Mother Lodge.

       Another point with regards to correct dress is with regards to the correct wearing of aprons.
       A very simple and general guide for getting the height of the apron right on the body is to always have the
       waist band of the apron just above your jacket pockets.
                                   This should place the top of the apron just below the top button of the jacket
                                   (as demonstrated left).

                                   Some aprons come with a small piece of material stitched
                                   on the back, just below the top of the apron, called a
                                   ‘becket’. This is simply hooked over the top button of a
                                   jacket and stops the apron from slipping down.

                                   The  apron  may  feel  a  little  high  at  first  but  you  will
                                   note how much smarter it looks, compared to the “gun
                                   slinger” look adopted by some brethren.
                                   If your apron did not come with a
                                   becket a 2” length of shoe lace sewn
                                   on the back of the apron will do the
                                   job perfectly well.
                                   If you have any other questions or
                                   areas of protocol that you would like
       me to clarify, please contact me and I will do my best to answer it
       directly or, if it is likely to be of interest to a wider audience, in a
       further article.
                                     W.Bro Lee Taylor, PAGDC, ProvGDC
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