Page 8 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 8
Blackwater Lodge 1977
Burns Night
n a relatively mild January evening
OBlackwater Lodge No. 1977 held its annual
“Guest Burns Night” with WM John Simpson
presiding. With over 80 attendees including many
visitors and a further 7 from the Royal Chelsea
Hospital, as well as the Assistant Provincial Grand The 7 visiting Brothers from the Royal Chelsea Hospital
Master, great fun was enjoyed by all! with WM John Simpson (centre).
Before the meeting ended, W.Bro Peter Hollingsworth APGM presented W.Bro Tom Arrowsmith with his 60 year certifi cate
following an excellent speech concerning Tom’s life and Masonic career. He gave Tom a letter from the PGM and a 60 year
lapel badge. W.Bro Paul Humphrey also said a few words and handed Tom some photos of his past. Tom then thanked the
APGM and brethren for their best wishes.
W.Bro.Bro Peter Hollingsworth
(left) presenting the 60th year esenting the 60th year If you are interested in attending our next burns night, or any other of our meetings, why not check out our website at www.
(left) pr
certifi and make contact? We would love to hear from you!
certifi cate and W.Bro Tom cate and W.Bro Tom
Arrowsmith (Right).owsmith (Right).owsmith (Right).owsmith (Right).
F r riday 22nd of February was a special day for the Rayner family and Ilford iday 22nd of February was a special day for the Rayner family and Ilford Ilford Castle Lodge 7144
Castle Lodge No 7144. Despite this being a very small meeting we were
Fblessed to have a plethora of visitors which, whilst the few numbers, made
for a special day for our new Worshipful Master James Anthony Rayner. “Youngest Installed Master”?
By Shaun Rayney
W.Bro Geoff Ellwood did an excellent job taking the ritual from the start of the
meeting up to the Inner Workings. I then took over and had the pleasure of
Installing my youngest son James into the chair of King Solomon. I have to say I
was word perfect, just not the words in the book.
Then I handed over to my eldest son, Christopher who completed the work
acting as Installing Master. I have to say how proud I am of both sons. Firstly
for the way they have conducted themselves in the lodge but also for their lives
outside, Chris is in the MET and just taking his Skippers exams and James is a
Paralegal Assistant for the Crown Prosecution Service. Christopher was Master
2 years ago and at 27 was the youngest serving master in Essex at the time and
the youngest ever. However, his Brother James has beaten that record and may
even be one of the youngest masters ever next to Rudyard Kipling.
At just 19 days after his 20th Birthday, James agreed to progress to the chair. Is this a record?, who cares, what is
shows is young men can be dedicated to Freemasonry and strive to be the best they can. So I can say, both Chris
and I are proud to have been part of James special journey. I would like to thank all the Brethren who turned up W.Bro’s Chris, James and Shaun Rayner
to support us and help out in many of the Offi ces.
Thundersley Lodge 5225
Brother delivers Obligation to his twin Initiate
T hundersley Lodge No. 5225 held a unique Initiation
Tceremony on Thursday 24th January 2019 at Saxon Hall.
W.Bro. David Huntley PGStB from West Kent delivered .Bro. David Huntley PGStB from West Kent delivered
the Obligation to his twin Brother initiate Robert James he Obligation to his twin Brother initiate Robert James
Huntley. There were 9 Freemasons who came over from untley. There were 9 Freemasons who came over from
West Kent, as private guests, to see Robert Huntley being est Kent, as private guests, to see Robert Huntley being
initiated, including their Provincial Grand Master, RW.Bro. itiated, including their Provincial Grand Master, RW.Bro.
Mark Estaugh who gave the Charge after Initiation in ark Estaugh who gave the Charge after Initiation in
an exemplary fashion. The working tools of an Entered n exemplary fashion. The working tools of an Entered
Apprentice Freemason were presented by Bro Steve Joslin, pprentice Freemason were presented by Bro Steve Joslin,
the Lodge Junior Deacon, in sincere manner. he Lodge Junior Deacon, in sincere manner
A most enjoyable Festive Board that followed saw two most enjoyable Festive Board that followed saw two
Picture taken by Bro Stephen Hodder of Initiates seated at the Top Table, the newly made Brother nitiates seated at the Top Table, the newly made Brother
Thundersley Lodge and should be credited to a and Bro Joseph Hodder who was initiated at a previous nd Bro Joseph Hodder who was initiated at a previous
his screen-name Stephen Hawke.
meeting that was a White Table evening.eeting that was a White Table evening.
The Lodge Charity Steward, W.Bro Larry Hocking also
The photograph attached, shows Bro Robert Huntley in the centre of the front line, with his twin Brother W.Bro The Lodge Charity Steward, W.Bro Larry Hocking also
David to his left and the R.W. PGM for West Kent to his right. The WM is in the back row, with the SW W.Bro Chris presented the Vice Patron Certifi cate for Festival 2022 to the
Dorling to his left and the JW W.Bro Walter Goodman to his right.
Worshipful Master, W.Bro Ian MacGregor.
Worshipful Master, W.Bro Ian MacGregor.
Wanstead Park Lodge 6718
70 Years at Upminster
n Saturday May 11th, Wanstead Park Lodge 6718 having been consecrated on
Othe 18th November 1948 completed the dedication of their fi rst Lodge Banner in
celebration of its 70th year at Upminster Masonic Hall with APGM W.Bro Neil Beverley
and ProvGSec W.Bro Philip Lovelock in attendance with the Prov G Chaplain W.Bro Mick
Scotchmer and ProvDepGDC W.Bro Dave Hawtin who conducted an excellent dedication
ceremony. Praise goes to the banner party for putting in the rehearsals which made the
ceremony enjoyable by the members and many visitors to mark this auspicious occasion.
The meeting was packed with more items on the agenda, they included a ballot for joining member, Bro Steve Cole, who joins the Lodge from Bysnian Lodge 7500. Bro
Stephen Hunt received his Grand Lodge Certifi cate from APGM W.Bro Neil Beverley. Neil then presented a certifi cate to the Lodge for becoming a Patron from Vice Patron
to the Essex Festival 2022 Appeal after which the Lodge presented Neil with a cheque for £1,000 towards the festival. The meeting was fi nished with declaring a Worshipful
Master for the ensuing year, W.Bro. Ron Proctor will be installed at their next meeting in September meaning the end of his year is nearly upon their Worshipful Master,
W.Bro Steve Readings.