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DepPGM's ForewordepPGM's ForewordepPGM's ForewordepPGM's ForewordepPGM's ForewordepPGM's Foreword
Brethren, the RW PGM’s treatment is progressing well and he thanks you for the letters,
cards and emails he has received since his diagnosis; they have provided a great lift for
him and his family.
On 2nd March in the Grand Temple in London the RW PGM Consecrated the Essex Cornerstone Lodge No.
9968, the fi rst ‘young masons lodge’ in the English Constitution. The RW AsstGM, Sir David Hugh Wootton,
was present and commented that he had never seen so many Master Masons leave a meeting when I asked
9 LONG SERVICE them to retire before I Installed W.Bro Elliott Chevin as Primus Master.
At the PGL meeting in March the brethren voted to replace the existing Essex Provincial Charity Fund with
12 HOLY ROYAL ARCH a modern EPCF charity and to set-up two new charities; the Essex Provincial Almoner’s Fund and the Essex
Freemasons’ Community Fund. Articles by the ProvGChStwd and ProvGAlm in this issue of the magazine
explain how they will enable the PGM to deliver his strategy for charitable giving in Essex.
15 SPECIAL FEATURE In June Essex hosted the MCF Annual Ball, which was a sell-out, in London, with the RW PGM acting as
President for the evening. The MCF Chairman, HHJ Richard Hone QC and many senior members of the charity
were present and were astounded by the generosity of the brethren on the night, which enabled the RW PGM
to present him with a cheque for £25,000!
In July I had the privilege of deputising for the RW PGM and Consecrating the Lodge of Daily Advancement
No. 9979, a new research & demonstration lodge, at Saxon Hall. My thanks go to the Consecrating Party
18 CHARITY UPDATE and the ProvGDC, W.Bro Geoff Turpin, and his well-drilled team of Founders for making it such an enjoyable
occasion. W.Bro Peter Hollingsworth, as Installing Master, had the great pleasure of Installing W.Bro Alan
Everard as Primus Master and I was delighted to be able to give W.Bro Lawrie Morrisson a well-earned fi eld
promotion to PPJGW for his tireless work over several years to bring the Consecration about.
On a personal note I was greatly honoured to be named as Master Elect of Essex Masters’ Lodge for 2019-
2020 and look forward to being Installed as Master of the largest masonic lodge in the English Constitution
24 ALMONER UPDATE on 31st October and hope to see many of you there on the day. We currently have 910 subscribing members,
wouldn’t it be great to break 1,000?
Paul G. Reeves, DepPGM
Welcome to Issue 86 of Essex Mason, the Offi cial Magazine for the Province of Essex.
This issue features a report on the historic Consecration of Cornerstone Lodge No 9968 in the Grand Temple at Freemasons’ Hall witnessed by more than 700
Freemasons following several years of planning, an update from the Provincial Almoner on the new Provincial Almoners Charity and the excellent work that is carried
out supporting Essex Masons and their families and lots of other interesting articles and news from our Province.
We are delighted with the number of articles that we are receiving for publication, but please keep them coming in, this is your magazine and we welcome
feedback and comments from you on what you would like to see featured and how the magazine can be improved.
Thank you for the continued support and patronage of Essex Mason and please consider purchasing all of your Masonic Regalia from us as all profi t is
donated to Essex Charities via the Essex Mason Charitable Trust.
Please submit articles for consideration for publication in the next edition of the magazine to with the deadline for receipt of
copy the 31st December 2019.
We would like to thank W.Bro Roger Wacy for his support and dedication to Essex Mason Magazine over the years and to acknowledge the sterling work
he produced during this time. However, Roger is no longer associated with production of the Essex Mason Magazine so articles sent to Roger will not get
published, please can you send your articles or advertisements to
Essex Mason Editorial Team
Essex Mason Ltd Essex Mason Magazine Essex Mason Shop
& Registered Offi ce
President Editorial Team Unit 17 Peartree Business Centre,
R.W.Bro. Rodney Lister Bass OBE W.Bro Peter Low - W.Bro Graeme Lockwood Peartree Road, Stanway
Provincial Grand Master W.Bro David Boylan Colchester CO3 0JN
Directors Advertising Tel: 01206 560396
W.Bro Tony White - W.Bro Peter Hollingsworth For all enquiries regarding advertising contact
W.Bro Graeme Lockwood - W.Bro David Boylan W.Bro Michael Flynn Opening Hours
W.Bro Michael Flynn - W.Bro Jeff Cripps 01206 242191 or 07968 137057 Monday to Saturday 9am to 1pm
Volunteers Website Closed on Saturdays June to August
W.Bro Bill Dyer - W.Bro Michael Ray W.Bro David Boylan - W.Bro Paul Masters All Essex Mason staff are unpaid volunteers
W.Bro Peter Collen - W.Bro Bob Mathew Every penny of profi t is donated to Essex charities
W.Bro Peter Ruddick
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