Page 6 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 6
Pierre Waddoups
Provincial Education Offi cer
Offi cial Patron for TLC Appeal Provincial Librarian and Curator
To access Solomon, go to
olomon, ‘the man of sunset and shadows’, King of Israel, whose wisdom is celebrated in both the Bible and in legend and it was during the
Smiddle of his reign that he received a notable visit from the Queen of Sheba, who came from the ‘ends of the earth’ to hear his wisdom.
According to the Bible, the Queen bombarded him with questions and enigmas and all her questions, riddles and conundrums were so cleverly
answered she fi nally exclaimed congratulatory words: ‘happy are thy men, thy servants, which stand continually before thee and hear thy wisdom’.
Solomon the On-Line learning resource has been designed to support personal enquiry to help all those who want to learn more about their Masonry.
Modern Speculative Freemasonry, is as we know, a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols; with the allegory of the
building of the Temple of Solomon central to the ritual along with the symbolism and which can be found throughout, especially in the Working Tools.
Member surveys have highlighted learning as a major, un-met need and a potential reason why members leave and that most members seek a greater
understanding of the ritual, symbolism, history and traditions of Freemasonry.
A greater understanding, it is believed, will go a long way to meet
member’s expectations and wishes, to enhance their enjoyment and
create a greater interest, improve understanding and performance of
the ritual, improve attendance and ultimately help with membership ESSEX PATHWAY
With the fostering of curiosity, the development of an understanding
and assistance in the Masonic journey of learning and development, NOW HAS ITS OWN APP
the Solomon Online Database, which is accessible through a variety
of platforms, also compliments the Members Pathway.
Echoing the words in the FMT magazine , ‘Solomon provides Download our awesome new app now and
interesting and accessible material, if well-chosen and well delivered, stay up to date with all the latest
will compliment or even replace a ceremony and it is designed to be
popular, boosting attendance and interest’ and ideally, as the article information!
in that December issue stated; ‘learning activities will become an
appreciated and regular feature of Lodge and Chapter meetings.’
Install the Essex Pathway App on your
The material in question; can either be a fi ve to ten minute Talk, or a smartphone or tablet now!
‘nugget’ as it is referred to in the Solomon Project, or a longer Paper
designed for further private research, but still suitable for delivery in
Lodge or Chapter and both methods are designed to stimulate the Follow these steps:
minds of the audience. 1. Download Team App from the Apple or Google Play
These ‘nuggets’ the fi ve to ten minute Talks, on a relevant subject, app store.
are ideal for the newer member to take from Solomon and deliver it
in Lodge on a routine basis, so that it forms a part of the usual Lodge
These can also be used after a ceremony, where the Work of that 2. Sign up to Team App. You will be sent an email to
Degree can be questioned in a little more depth and its; meaning, confirm your registration.
history or symbolic signifi cance can be discussed, which will
encourage a debate within the Lodge. 3. Log into the App and search for "Essex Pathway".
The Lodge of Instruction is also an ideal opportunity for the members, 4. Choose your applicable access group(s).
whether they are ‘younger’ members or not, for them to select a topic
from one of the ‘nuggets’ of their choice, read about it, one week, for 5. If you don't have a smartphone go to
it to be discussed on the following week.
to sign up and view this App online.
There are so many subjects contained within the ‘nuggets’ on
Solomon, that the many questions that the ‘younger’ Mason want
answers to, can be found there and there is more than enough ‘food
for thought.’
A ‘nugget’ or a longer and more in depth Paper, which is also on Need help?
Solomon, can be presented at a Meeting where there may be no Contact: Jack Gilliland
ceremony, which could stimulate discussion and give an added
dimension to the Meeting. Email:
There is ample scope for the ‘younger’ Mason to be encouraged in Phone: 07931731874
his quest for answers and an understanding of what we do and how
we do it, to conduct and to private research and Present the results
to a Meeting.
The object of this exercise is to give each and every member a greater
understanding of the ritual, its symbolism, history and the traditions of
Freemasonry and the confi dence to answer questions from prospective
candidates, which will encourage the growth of Freemasonry.
In re-imagining the quote in the opening
paragraph about the Biblical King Solomon,
the Solomon Database, that Masonic Teacher,
becomes ‘the database of perpetual sunrise
and vanquisher of shadows’, whose wisdom
will be celebrated as an Online resource, and
making that ‘Daily Advancement’ a reality in
both the Craft and the Royal Arch.
With the potential of the Members’ Pathway
and the Solomon Database, we can fi nally
exclaim those congratulatory words: ‘happy are Essex Members Pathway Training Day - Over
thy men, thy servants, who stand continually 100 Brethren in attendance at Saxon Hall.
Pierre Waddoups before thee and hear thy wisdom’!
Provincial Education Offi cer