Page 17 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 17

Brand New Beginning

         Eton Manor Lodge 8438
         Recruitment Programme Success

          A  t an Emergency Meeting at Harlow Masonic Hall on n Emergency Meeting at Harlow Masonic Hall on
             t a
          AFriday 3rd May 2019, the Lodge continued with its
          recruitment program with another two double Initiation
          ceremonies involving two Fathers and Sons.
          Once again the ritual was delivered in an excellent manner   Blackwater   Netteswell   Colcestria
          by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Chris Hare and his team of      Cross Lodge
          offi cers. The Lodge intend to host another two double Initiation   Lodge 1977         Lodge 7123
          ceremonies  in  September  making  a  total  of  twelve  new     2980
          Members  since  April  2019.  Pictured  with  W.Bro.  Chris  Hare,
          centre, are from left to right, Bros. Harry and Ed Hawkeswood   Bro. Matthew   Bro Liam Bradey Initiated on   Nassem Ahmed
          and Bros. Tony and Matt Hayes. (see page 21)   Chilvers Initiated on   2nd November 2018  Serving Soldier with 2nd Battalion
                                                         13th February 2019                     Parachute Regiment Melville
                                                                                                 Barracks Initiated 23/02/19

           Claudius             Dedham Vale          Lucas & Lisle      Pyfl eet Lodge        Angel Lodge 51
           Lodge 8700           Lodge 8901           Lodge 8456         8913
               Elliott Smith       Kwabena Duku        Steven Luke White    Mark Ball        Terry Carr and Will Tomalin
           Sergeant Nurse HM Forces   Company Director Import &   Initiated 14/09/18  Retired Police Offi cer
             Melville Barracks   Export Initiated 16/10/19  Business Development   Initiated 13/09/18
             Initiated 9/10/18                           Manager

                                                          Public Address System Hire
                                               Masonic Conferences, Meetings, Lectures etc.
                                                      Complete system with cabled and radio mics, play in facility.
                                                                rigged, de-rigged and operated by experienced Engineer.

                            Barry Stedman 07974 020036  

                     Specialist Masonic Photography

           Presentations during Meetings, Lodge Anniversaries, Masters,
           O cers etc for your website, local press, Essex Mason etc
           Sensible hourly rate, so no large fees (minimum 1 hour).
           Studio and portable  ash lighting.  Very high resolution photographs
           supplied to you edited on memory stick on the day or later as prints.

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