Page 14 - EssexMason (Issue 86) Online Version
P. 14
Holy Royal Arch
Provincial Royal Arch Membership Team
Stisted Garden Fête
The Royal Arch was invited to enter a stand at this year’s
Stisted Garden Fete. The stand, which displayed banners
and leafl ets to raise Royal Arch awareness, was manned by
RA Rep Co-ordinators Andrew Johnson and Les Long, who
were on hand to answer any questions and enquiries relating
to the Royal Arch as well as adjudicating the ‘Bulls-eye’ and
‘Buzz Wire’ Challenge.
The successful competitors had their names entered into a prize draw
later in the afternoon.
A fun time was had by all as well as contributing £89 to the overall
total raised to enrich the lives of the residents of Stisted Hall
The Directors of Essex Mason were out in force at Stisted on the 14th July,
pictured here in front of their new ‘stand’ on the main fi eld, left to right;
Graeme Lockwood - Michael Flynn - Peter Hollingsworth - Jeff Cripps and
David Boylan
Grey Friars Chapter
E.Comp Tommy Smith 50 Years
On Monday 29th April, Grey
Friars Chapter E.Comp
Tommy Smith received his 50
year certifi cate from E.Comp
Clive Rees 2nd Provincial
Grand Principal accompanied
by E.Comp Ian Simpson
Assistant to the Provincial
Grand Principals and E.Comp
Joe Shearer ProvDepGDC
Abbeygate Chapter
Discovered some time ago in a box full
of "tat" as described by Abbeygate
Daylight Chapter Scribe E, Ex. Comp.
Arthur Cooke were two founders
jewels for the Chapter. Their ADC Ex.
Comp. David Betts was fortunate to
fi nd a third one for sale on eBay.
All three jewels were lovingly restored
by Graeme Lockwood from Essex
Mason and attached to ribbon, and
were given to the Principles and worn
with pride at their meeting in January.
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