Page 30 - EM-Issue-90
P. 30

Provincial Communications Team

                                                     New Look!!

                                                              Online Branding

                                                       Provincial Websites
                                                     The Provincial websites for both Craft and the Holy Royal Arch has had a
                                                     facelift. Check our the new fresh look.
                                                     There is a continuous look and feel from the public facing website to the
                                                     members only area (the Cube).               Our external websites are designed to be a central repository for anyone
                                                     wishing to join our fantastic organisation, but equally for visiting Brethren
                                                     from other Provinces who would like to attend an Essex Meeting.
                                                     There is also a new Provincial Executive area that gives an insight to their
                                                     background and journey in Freemasonry, as well us a clear view of the
                                                     Lodges or Chapters they are responsible for.

                                                     •   View Members Pathway.
                                                     •   View Provincial, Lodge and Chapter meeting dates and contact
                                                         the Secretary or Scribe Ezra to book your self in.
                                                     •   Calendar events for Additional Orders.

                                                       Membership Area
                                                     The Cube is a central location for Essex Masons only. Where all public
                                                     enquires are directed to the website, whereas, every piece of information
                                                     an Essex Freemason needs, is all in a secure members area.
                                                     •   Profile location where you can update your information.
                                                     •   A Library where every available document is located
                                                     •   Online Blue Book - the Provincial Lodge and Chapter oracle.
                                                     •   Leave personal obituary comments in the new Departed Brethren.
                                                     •   A Discussion area where we can ask questions and debate sensitive
                                                         subjects, all in a secure and safe space.
                                                     •   Check out the all new Groups area, where you can create a secure
                                                         and private area for members of your Lodge or Chapter, as well as
                                                         specialised groups.

                                                       Provincial News Letters

                                                     After many years, the Team Brief and Team Brief Plus have been replaced
                                                     The Second Rising - Delivering a full range of Provincial News.

                                                     Unlike the Team Brief, the Second Rising is more interactive and sent to
                                                     ALL Essex Freemasons  (who  have  an  email  address).  These  emails  link
                                                     to the full story which are located on the Cube, Website or other central
                                                     The Second Rising is sent on the 2nd Monday in every month.
                                                     The Provincial Download is a newsletter that covers mid-month Provincial
                                                     update, as well as other news from around the province, such as Charity
                                                     and Almoner updates, Events and much more.
                                                     Contact the communications team

                                                       Social Media

                                                     Did you know we have a dedicated Facebook Group for Provincial
                                                     Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Chapter?
                                                     Essex Freemasons area is a members only area with regular and instant
                                                     up to date information. You will not see holiday snaps, or pictures of
                                                     food, it is used by Essex Freemasons, for Essex Freemasons.

                Anyone interested in joining the Provincial Communications team, please email
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