Page 26 - EM-Issue-90
P. 26
Mark Masonry
Installation of DPGM and APGM
Essex Enthroned Commanders and Essex Installed
Mark Masters Lodges, No.1044.
oth the Essex Enthroned Commanders and Installed Mark Masters Lodges are
Balways well attended with most of their 255 Members in attendance at the
September meetings. On this occasion, however, they were both reduced to 30
members that could attend either meeting. This caused a few sleepless nights
for both the Secretarial and Ceremonial teams in trying to juggle those who were
needed as well as how the Ceremonies needed to be adapted and where officers
could be seated.
Following the Enthroned Commanders meeting, the Temple received its cleansing
“fogging” and, with the Lodge opened and furniture moved to accommodate the
Provincial Grand Master and his escort, the ProvGDC announced the presence of the
PGM. A full procession of Acting Officers entered and the Provincial Grand Master,
Right Worshipful Brother Terence D. Sheern, was received to acclaim. The PGM took
the Chair of the Lodge and requested his Officers to assist him in the two Installation
Ceremonies. The PGM addressed the Lodge on the purpose of the meeting as well as
giving thanks to V.W. Bro. Richard Bowyer, PGJO, the outgoing DPGM for all his years
of support.
W.Bro. John Finlay DPGM The ProvGDC, having ascertained that W.Bro. John Finlay, PAGDC and DPGM
Designate, was in attendance, he was escorted into the meeting, Obligated, Invested,
Installed, Proclaimed and Saluted as Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
The ProvDepGDC then proceeded to escort W. Bro. Richard Goodwin, PGJD and
Assistant Provincial Grand Master Designate into the meeting, where he was Obligated,
Invested, Installed, Proclaimed and Saluted as Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
Both Ceremonies were discharged in superb fashion and credit goes to the Ceremonial
Team for producing the Ceremony in “interesting” times.
A most excellent time was had by all who attended this “historic” meeting, it will be
remembered by all who attended.
The PGM thanked V.W.Bro. Richard Bowyer for his service as Deputy Provincial Grand
Master and hoped that he would continue to support the Province.
Once the meeting was finished, the Brethren retired for some socially distanced
John Finlay and Richard Goodwin are both well known in Craft and Holy Royal Arch,
both having held Active Rank and were involved in Stisted annual Fete.
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