Page 25 - EM-Issue-90
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Despite a very difficult year with Freemasonry meetings and group gatherings
being suspended the Essex Cornerstone Club have found new ways to ensure
Freemasonry in Essex has continued for our members.
Our Club has remained very active throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, hosting regular
events, supporting local charities, and supporting our members wellbeing.
2020 also saw the Club continue to grow, with an increase in membership, more Lodges
being represented than ever before, and a massive increase in social media engagement.
We also introduced a new team of Centre Representatives and launched our own Podcast
– Talking Freemasonry.
Last year the Essex Cornerstone started a scheme to supply
NHS hospital wards with iPad/tablet devices to allow patients to
communicate with their relatives whilst patient visiting has been
restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The success of this
scheme led many other Provinces to take up the challenge as VI R TUAL
well. EVENTS
Following this success, at the start of the second COVID-19 peak,
with schools closing, we were approached by W.Bro Henry Bass to
see if we could help support his local school, Templars Academy Throughout the year we have held a number of online events
in Witham, to provide computer equipment to help support home for our members, to allow us all to stay connected. From
learning. fun social events to educational talks, we have continued to
support out members throughout the pandemic.
The Essex Cornerstone rose to the challenge and quickly provided
the school with 7 laptops. • Comedy Night
• Charity Poker Tournament
Club Chairman Jack Gilliland commented “we are pleased to be
able to support local schools in this time of need, which fits in with • Who Wants to be a Zillionaire’ Quizzes
the ethos of the Essex Cornerstone supporting young people”. • Mark Awareness talk
Faye Welsher, MAT Safeguarding Lead and Family Liaison Officer
for Templars Academy, “I just wanted to put in writing a huge
thank you for the generous gift of the laptops. We have identified
specific children that will hugely benefit from this. The families are
completely overwhelmed and grateful”.
Jane Bass, “Can I also, as CEO of Connected Learning MAT, the
Academy Trust, of which Templars is a member school, say a big
thank you for your generous gift of laptops. For pupils of the
school, who do not access to IT devices whilst trying to learn at
home, these will make such a difference to their learning”
Following the success of the Essex You can join the Essex Cornerstone from 18 years up to
Cornerstone Lodge, we are pleased to 41 years. Membership is only £10 and includes a welcome
announce plans for the consecration
of our own Holy Royal Arch Chapter – pack including our Club Provincial tie which can be worn
the Essex Cornerstone Chapter! at all craft and Royal Arch meetings within Essex, lapel
Continuing our desire to create the most dynamic new and pin, masonic passport and access to all Essex Cornerstone
young masons’ club in England, we feel that having our own resources, but more importantly you will be joining the
Chapter will be the next step in our evolution. best New & Young Masons Club in the Country.
If you are interested in becoming a Founder, Joining Member, Follow us on Twitter @YoungMasonsClub
or if you are not yet a member of the Holy Royal Arch and
interested in joining please contact Club Secretary Jon Glyn Like us on View our Instagram feed @EssexCornerstoneClub