Page 30 - Essex Mason (Issue 92)
P. 30
Long Service
One of the Most Unheard-of Inspirational Stories in Essex
Malcolm Robinson BEM PPJGW
In 1951 Malcolm was initiated into St Margaret’s Lodge No. 5168 which
met in Leigh. He recalls “As soon as the door was opened the whole
place took off with the first verse of “Lead, Kindly Light” (a hymn written
in 1833 by John Henry Newman as a poem entitled ‘The Pillar and the
Cloud’). With a big attendance it sounded like a Welsh male voice choir
singing from above.”
On getting a job in the drawing office with Marconi in Chelmsford it made
it difficult to get to Leigh in time for the Wednesday afternoon meetings.
His father was well known in Chelmsford as a Fire Chief in WW2 and had
become the first Assistant Secretary of East Saxon Lodge. He arranged for
Malcolm to join East Saxon which was just a walk across the road from the
Marconi drawing office which made life considerably easier.
“The Lodge of Instruction (LoI) in those days was unbelievable
compared to now” exclaimed Malcolm “the Preceptor thought
he was on a parade ground with raw recruits and one senior City
bank manager said that even his directors had never spoken to
him like that”.
Despite that Malcolm has thoroughly enjoyed all of his 70 years in
Freemasonry and reflects on the many things that have happened and
in meeting the range and variety of people he became acquainted with whom he would otherwise have never known. He
particularly remembers going to Maldon with his family one Sunday to watch Sir Neil Thorne horse riding.
For his charitable work on the Committee and as the Secretary of the Marconi Charity Fund for several years, Malcolm was
awarded the BEM. Having been made redundant in the early 1990s he took whatever work he could to make sure his family
were always provided for. “I am sure everything happens for a reason” he said ”I used to play football but in one game playing
for Chelmsford City B Team I broke my leg and was taken to hospital. Whilst there I first met Pamela who was a nurse and
became my wife. We are still happily married today.”
Still regularly driving himself to LoI and Lodge Meetings, Malcolm is one of the most ‘continuously-for-70 years’ active Craft
Freemasons in Essex, if not in UGLE, but he has not taken the fourth step into Royal Arch even though he would have liked to
had circumstances been different.
“My reasons for not joining” he explained “are because both my children were born profoundly deaf. This had a big effect on
the family knowing they will never hear. Envisaging the problems they would encounter in life, I decided to devote all my spare
time to help them prepare for life ahead.” All the love, devotion encouragement and teaching of Malcolm and his wife Pamela
has come to fruition as both children graduated with Honours degrees from Oxford University. David is a Senior Scientific
Officer in the Meteorological Office and Jane specialises in environmental sciences.
Malcolm Robinson BEM, Family man, Father and active Essex Freemason for 70 years, inspires and moves us all with what is
possibly one of the most unheard-of inspirational stories in Essex Freemasonry.
John Celebrates 60 years in Freemasonry
W.Bro John Barber, PPJGW and a member
of Leigh-on-Sea Lodge 4708, has celebrated
60 years in Freemasonry. While ill health has
prevented him from attending meetings in
recent years some of his friends and APGM
Martin Howse could not let the occasion go
by unnoticed and arranged a special ceremony
at Saxon Hall to present him with his 60 year
certificate, a lapel pin and a congratulatory letter
from the PGM RW.Bro Paul Tarrant.
John joined Leigh-on-Sea Lodge aged 25 and
was Master in 1970. He was and remains a
well-known figure in the Southend area having
been Chairman of Seafront Traders Association
John (seated) is pictured receiving his certificate: left to right and owner of the iconic Three Shells restaurant
W.Bro Kanagasabai(Sri). Sritharan, APGM Martin Howse, W.Bro Colin Felton, near the pier. He is married to Brenda and have
W.Bro Alan Wadeson and W.Bro Graham Felton recently celebrated their 63rd anniversary.