Page 31 - Essex Mason (Issue 92)
P. 31

Long Service

         Celebrations                       On 25th November 2021, Thundersley Lodge celebrated three events:
         come  in  threes  to               Daniel Ward was Raised to the Third Degree in an excellent manner,
                                            Ray Fretten reached a magnificent 60 years in Freemasonry and the
         Thundersley Lodge                  Lodge achieved Grand Patron status for Festival 2022.

                                            The Lodge was delighted to welcome Paul Tarrant the Provincial Grand Master
                                            (PGM) to the meeting attended by 58 Brethren. The Lodge made a donation
                                            of £4,500 towards the Essex Festival 2022 and presented a cheque to the PGM
                                            leading to the Lodge being awarded the Grand Patron Certificate.

                                            The Ceremony of Raising was shared between the Worshipful Master, Chris Dorling
                                            and senior Brethren to achieve an excellent ritual that delighted the audience.
                                            Paul Tarrant provided a history of Ray Fretten's Masonic career in several orders
                                            before  presenting  Ray  with  his  Certificate  for  achieving  a  magnificent  60  years
                                            in Craft Freemasonry. Ray was Installed as the Worshipful Master of Thundersley
                                            Lodge in 1986 and received promotion to Past Grand Standard Bearer (PGStB) in
                                            At the Festive Board, the
                                            Brethren of Thundersley    60
                                            Lodge presented Ray
                                            with a Celebration Cake
                                            adorned with his Past
                                            Grand  Standard  Bearer
                                            Apron and Collar in icing.
                                            The meeting provided
                                            the Brethren attending, in
                                            general, and Thundersley

        Lodge Brethren, in particular, overdue celebrations, reminding all of
        the camaraderie missed by many due to the pandemic restrictions.

       On 23rd September WBro
       Nicolas  Franklin,  PSGD,
       DepProvGM  attended  the
       Installation   meeting   of
       Lodge of Faith No.6830,
       accompanied    by   WBro
       Tony     White,    PSGD,
       APGM  for  the  Lodge.  The
       DepProvGM     was    very
       pleased to present WBro
       Jeff Cripps with a certificate
       marking Jeff's 50 years in
       the Craft. WBro Nick, on
       behalf of the RW ProvGM,      Past Provincial Senior Grand
       also  carried  out  a  field
       promotion  by  promoting      Warden  Field Promotion
       WBro Jeff to PPSGW.

       50 YEARS A MASON

       At Star in the East Lodge 650 on the 14th September W.Bro Tony White
       APGM  presented  W.Bro  John  Bowman  a  certificate  for  50  years  as  a
       Mason. W.Bro J Bowman was initiated into Star in the East Lodge on
       9/3/1971, he became W.M. in 1986 followed by 12 years as Secretary
       and a further 8 years as Treasurer. He is an excellent ritualist and has
       stood  in  almost  all  the  offices  in  the  Lodge  when  required  and  has
       delivered many Charges and Addresses. He also belons to many other
       Degrees Knights Templar P.Prov. 1st Constable.   Royal Ark Mariners Prov.
       R.A.M.G.R.   Royal & Select Masters P.G.Std B.   Royal Arch P.A.G.D.C.
       (ENG).   Rose Croix 30 Degrees. A truly impressive Masonic career here`s
       to many more years supporting Star in the East Lodge.

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