Page 15 - EM-Issue-90
P. 15
150th Anniversary of The Lodge of Saint Mary No 1312
Planning and early discussion for The Lodge’s 150th anniversary on 13th October started about five years ago. One of
the ideas that emerged was for the Lodge to put on an exhibition at Braintree Museum showing how the Lodge has
engaged with the local community over the last 150 years.
This project was moved forward and indeed put together by the IPM of the Lodge and museum Volunteer John Adlam
and his wife Sandra. The exhibition was to have taken place before the anniversary meeting and to be open to the public
with Lodge members taking in turns to be on duty to answer questions and to generally promote Freemasonry within
the community.
The project was very warmly received by our late Provincial Grand Master Rodney Bass who gave his complete support
and had agreed to officially open the exhibition with a Civic Dignitary. He would then visit the Lodge with a Provincial
Team on its anniversary in order to re enact its Consecration. Sadly, because of you-know-what, non of these things was
able to take place, though it is hoped that they will be held next year.
As a thank you to the Friends of Braintree Museum for allowing us to use part of their building we agreed to donate £500
to them and on application, this proposal was match funded by the Province of Essex with a total of £1000 available.
Three members from the Lodge, W.Bro Andrew McLeod the current Master, W.Bro John Adlam and W.Bro Nigel Oldacre
met with Museum Manager Robert Rose,Treasurer David Watson and Vice Chair of The Friends Sandra Adlam. Whilst
Province was Represented by our APGM W.Bro Lee Taylor.
The Lodge also commissioned W.Bro Gerald Reilly. a prize winning Masonic author to elaborate and to investigate
in greater detail the history of the lodge over 150 years and it was his hard work, enthusiasm and dedication which
enhanced the Museum project. His beautifully produced book indeed highlights this through its title “Engaging with
the Community: The Lodge of Saint Mary 1870 - 2020”.
In the afternoon a lodge meeting was held to commemorate the occasion with the master his two wardens and three
others present; all wearing masks (except briefly for the photo) and very well distanced.
At this meeting Andrew McLeod was presented with a beautifully crafted gavel and base made from the oak from part
of the original front doors to the Howard Hall and with an inscription commemorating the 150 years. It was the idea and
creation of W Bro Fred Bowler a member of the Lodge.
Lastly in the evening there was a Zoom meeting with members. There was some 25 people who logged on and there
were invited guests too, including VW.Bro Paul Reeves Deputy Provincial Grand Master in charge, W.Bro Lee Taylor
APGM and representatives from local Lodges.
A brief outline of his newly published book was given by W.Bro Gerald Reilly and a response and toast to the Lodge
given by Paul Reeves. There was great interaction and chat later on and it was agreed to hold a Lodge Golf Day at
Braintree Golf Club as soon as possible.
“all is not lost we hope
to celebrate in the
same way as originally
planned exactly 1 year
on. Assuming we can!!”