Page 14 - EM-Issue-90
P. 14

Provincial Charity Steward                                   

         An urgent appeal to every Essex Freemason
         By Colin Felton, ProvGChStwd

                                   rethren – This is an urgent appeal to every single Essex Freemason – help us to
                               Bsave Festival2022. It is possible, it can happen now and here is the best news
                                of all – it will not cost you as individuals a single penny more – because you have
                                already given the money – so what’s the catch.
                                Talk to your Charity Stewards, Treasurers or anyone else responsible for your Lodge or Chapter
                                Relief Chest and you might well be amazed about just how much money you have set aside –
                                cash designated for charities that is doing absolutely nothing right now.

         We believe that when you add up all that money, there are enough funds for us to comfortably reach our target of £6
         million and a lot more besides. It just needs your Lodge or Chapter to make that decision to give it to the Festival – and
         we need you to make that decision now.

         That Rainy Day

         This is money that all of you have already given to charity so I am not asking for a penny more. In many, many cases funds
         are sitting in Relief Chests waiting for that proverbial rainy day. Well Brethren and Companions – I need to tell you – it
         absolutely pouring down as far as our Festival is concerned.
         The MCF is a living charity. As money is donated, it is withdrawn just as quickly and used for charitable purposes. In
         Festival or not, nearly half a million pounds alone comes back every year in Essex to help distressed Freemasons and
         their families.

         Millions of pounds more come back in donations to local Essex Charities via the Masonic Charitable Foundation. They
         have not stopped giving to us but in the COVID pandemic we have stopped giving to them and it is time to redress the
         Supporting Local Charities
         During Covid the Essex Freemason Community Fund has given to local charities, we have match funded Lodges and
         Chapters with additional support, but it is now time for us to look after our own. By transferring as much money as
         possible from your Relief Chest now you are helping us to meet our obligations.
         When this happens, your money will immediately attract 2% interest – that’s not happening while it is doing nothing in
         your Relief Chest. Your Lodge will be honoured with your donation because it will help you reach your Festival target
         and more.
         When our meetings return to normal there will be plenty of time for individual Lodges and Chapters to replenish funds
         – but time would have run out for the Festival which officially ends at the end of March 2022.

         So, Brethren and Companions – it really is decision time – and we need that money now. Will you be able to help?

         Dozens of young people across Essex with social and emotional
         health issues enjoyed a better Christmas thanks to a pioneering
         initiative by a Billericay school and last-minute help from Essex
         “Christmas in a bag,” essential basic items such as toothbrushes and
         clothing, can now be given to students at Ramsden Hall Academy,
         thanks to a £3,300 grant from the Essex Freemasons Community Fund
         supported from Masons who are members of Southend-on-Sea Lodge.
         The initiative had been in doubt following the loss of sponsorship from local businesses affected by COVID-19. That would have
         meant that some students, many from families on the edge of poverty, would have had nothing for Christmas.
         As well as suffering from social and emotional health issues some of these young people have very little. Some arrive at our school
         from families that are really struggling in the current pandemic – so we are trying to provide more than just basics and some goodies
         for them to enjoy at Christmas. I am extremely grateful to Essex Masons for providing such generous funds.”
         Ramsden Hall Academy is a residential special school for boys aged 10 to 16 who have an Education, Health and Care Plan for Social,
         Emotional and Mental Health. It admits up to 100 boys from across the whole county.

                           Provincial Grand Charity Steward

                             W.Bro  Colin Felton PADGC
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