Page 4 - Essex Mason Issue 85
P. 4

                                  Skreens Park high, low, everywhere you go!!                        Opening

           The High, Linear Ropes Courses
            and Zip Wire equipment was
         made possible through a generous             left to right: Kevyn Connelly (Deputy County Commissioner - Activity Centres) - Stuart
           donation by Essex Freemasons               Gibson (Country Commissioner), R.W.Bro. Rodney Lister Bass (PGM), V.W.Bro Paul
           to mark 300 years of organised             Reeves (DepPGM) at the Grand Opening of Skreens Park Activity Centre, located in
             Freemasonry (1717 - 2017)                Chelmsford - for more details go to
            Opened by R.W.Bro Rodney
          Lister Bass OBE Provincial Grand                n  Saturday  15th  September  2018  the  Right  Worshipful  Provincial  Grand
          Master  and Stuart Gibson County            OMaster  Rodney  Lister  Bass  OBE,  accompanied  by  Stuart  Gibson  the  County
         Commissioner for Essex Scouts 15th           Commissioner for Essex , officially “cut the ribbon” and declared the Ropes Course
                                                      activity centre at Skreens Park in Chelmsford open, there were also members of the
                         September 2018
                                                      Tercentenary Committee and the management team for Scouts in Essex in attendance.
                                                  Initially planned to be one large Rope Course, it now consists of four parts; High Ropes
                                                  Course with a 100-yard zip wire: Lateral Climbing Rope Course: Low Rope Course; Wheelchair
                                                  Mobility Course. All of this was made possible by the generous donation £161,000 raised by
                                                  Lodges and Chapters in Essex over a period of only nine months! This generous donation
                                                  enabled the Scouts to obtain another £120,000, making the total cost £250,000, to add the
                                                  Wheelchair Mobility Course and complete the project making it the only facility of its kind in
                                                  the South East of England.

                                                  The R.W. PGM said, “Essex Scouts told us that they needed funding for a new rope activity
                                                  centre that could be used by all organisations that use Skreens Park and we agreed. We
                                                  immediately donated £145,000 to cover the cost of the work and decided that the balance will
                                                  be used to support local Scouts across the county. This activity centre is a wonderful facility
                                                  of which my members can feel proud and one which I hope delivers many hours of challenge
                                                  and enjoyment for the young people of Essex.”
       The Ropes Courses were soon put into action after the opening with bookings for weekends and the upcoming half-term quickly coming in. The fully
       trained staff were looking forward to being able to use the apparatus.
       One element of particular interest is the Wheelchair Mobility Course. This not only allows those with limited mobility to use a state-of-the-art facility and to
       benefit from it, but also for able bodied individuals to understand the difficulties and limitations that the less able-bodied experience. It is anticipated that
       the Rope Courses will be a highlight of the Skreens Park Activity Centre and will be used Schools and Youth Groups in addition to the Scouts over many years.

       Essex Masons Working with the Community

          ssex Freemasons have approved a grant of £15,000 to the Essex Cricket
       EFoundation to help fund a programme to develop wheel chair cricket.
        It will enable people with a disability to take an active part in the sport.
        The money, donated through the Masonic Charitable Foundation will cover
        the cost of a specialist cricket coach.
        The Essex Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Rodney Bass
        OBE commented, “That it will help those  with disabilities to overcome
        obstacles that have previously prevented them from taking part in the
        sport. I hope that wheelchair users who enjoy cricket will take advantage
        of this opportunity to learn the more practical skill via the Essex Cricket

                                                   Wheelchair cricket is a new format of the game played indoors, the game is
                                                   designed to be played all year round and by participants who require sports

                                                   Those pictured include the Essex Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro Rodney
                                                   Bass OBE; the Deputy Provincial Grand Master V.W.Bro Paul Reeves, Keith
                                                   Brown, Chair of the Essex Cricket Foundation, together with Bill Mansell
                                                   and Patrick Ward from Essex Cricket and Bradley Donovan, aged 21, our
                                                   wheelchair star.
                                                   “Essex Freemasons, working with the local community.”

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