Page 28 - Essex Mason Issue 85
P. 28


                                                             Essex Masonic Bowls

                                                             Open 2018

                                                             After a period of 8 years and no events being held since 2010,
                                                             the Essex Masonic Bowls Association sprung into life again with
                                                             a triples event held at Hockley Bowling Club on Sunday 22nd
                                                             July.  Organised  by  W.Bro.  Tony  Goater  and  W.Bro.  Richard
                                                             Goodwin,  the  event  was  promoted  around  the  province  of
                                                             Essex and 10 Lodges put forward a team to play in the event,
                                                             with a reserve list of several other Lodges.

       With glorious sunshine and good weather, all attending had an enjoyable time and the day attracted many others who came to
       watch the bowling. The eventual winners were Corinthian Centenary Lodge No.8488 hailing from Burnham with Lodge of Amity
       No.5753 from Southend the runners up and missing out by 1 point. The photos show the winners and runners up.
                                                      With a new lease of life having been given to the Essex Masonic Bowls
                                                      Association, it is planned to hold another Bowls Open in 2019 to be
                                                      held at Thorpe Bay Bowling Club in June or July, and information will be
                                                      distributed as soon as it is available. If anyone wants to pre book a place
                                                      for next year’s event (subject to date availability), please email us on the
                                                      contact details below.

                                                      W.Bro.  Tony  Goater  W.Bro.  Richard  Goodwin
                                             event organisers

       Abbeygate Lodge 4219

       Legacy and Chair Ceremony

                                             By David Betts
           bbeygate Lodge was dissolved in 2014 with remaining assets
       Aand funds needing disposal. Brothers Ken Parrish and David
       Betts were charged with the task, Bro. Ken overseeing the finances
       and Bro. David the regalia and furnishings. Needy Lodges were
       invited to apply for items with a proviso that a donation be made
       to a Charity of their choice.
       Various projects followed starting with donations to the Widows fund and the purchasing of new Robes and Regalia for the attached Abbeygate Chapter
       and Rose Croix.
       The Masonic Centre has a side room used for small meetings and this was refurbished with new lighting, display cabinets and the re-framing and titling
       of pictures and photographs, (kindly executed by Kens wife Brenda), and renamed ‘The Abbeygate Room’  The biggest Project was the design and
       construction of new Master and Wardens Chairs for the Centre as the existing ones, at present owned by Angel Lodge No.51, were showing signs of fatigue
       and wear after more than 200 years of use.
       Brothers Ken and David sought out the assistance of a Master Craftsman W. Brother Paul Smith of ‘Virtue and Silence’ Lodge in Hadleigh and who has a
       workshop on the old Airfield at Raydon and together the three Brothers designed the new chairs keeping in view some of the characteristics of the old ones.
       After many visits and much discussion the new chairs were finally completed and with the help of W. Brothers Andrew Johnson and Dave Boylan a ceremony
       was arranged at the Colchester Masonic Centre.
       As the original chairs were owned by Angel Lodge an offer was made to members of the Abbeygate Lodge to hold the presentation during their Installation
       Ceremony held on the 23rd October 2018.
                                                   During the meeting the Lodge was ‘Called Off’ and the D.C. handed the proceedings over
                                                   to W.Bro. David Betts who, with the help of Brother Ken, made the presentation. After the
                                                   various projects had been explained Bro. Paul Smith gave a brief explanation of how the
                                                   chairs were constructed using exotic woods and specially sourced leather from Scotland.
                                                   The Provincial Deputy Grand Chaplain W. Bro. Leslie Retford rose and gave a short talk and
                                                   blessed the new chairs after which the old Masters one was taken out and the new chair put
                                                   in its rightful place.
                                                   The  Chairman and  Board  member  for  the
                                                   Centre, W.Bro. Barry Young, then thanked the
                                                   generosity of the Abbeygate Members and
                                                   accepted the chairs on behalf of the Colchester
                                                   Masonic Hall Company.

       The Ceremony was then handed to back to the D.C. W. Bro Andrew Johnson who cordially invited W.Bro
       David Betts to place the newly appointed Worshipful Master, Leslie J. Long, into the new chair. The
       Lodge was then ‘Called On’ and the Labours of the evening completed after which everyone retired to
       the Festive Board.

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