Page 8 - Essex Mason (Issue 92)
P. 8
Members’ Pathway
By Tony Hales
Old Libertian Lodge Gathers Pace Provincial Communications Team
Essex Freemasons of
Old Libertian Lodge
No. 6096 know all
about having good
foundations on which
to re-build for the
future. The Lodge
proudly possesses two
Ashlars carved from
part of the Foundation
Stone of the City
of London Guildhall
when it was removed
for restoration work
and thanks to the
revamped Member’s
Pathway, they now
have another very
good reason.
The Members’ Pathway is all about helping Lodges grow by helping them plan, attract new
members, engage with existing brethren and encourage back inactive Freemasons. The member
of the Provincial Grand Master’s Leadership Team with responsibility for bringing this about is
Assistant Provincial Grand Master (APGM), Rob Eels.
The APGM is supported by the Provincial Grand
Membership Officer (ProvGMO), Ray Quiddington;
Deputy PMOs Dave Hawtin and Joe Curtis;
Band on t
he Run
Band on the Run Communications PMO Paul Kelly; the Provincial Pathway
Officer (PPO) Daniel Broyd, plus Group Membership
Ladies Nights
Officers (GMOs) supporting the Masonic Centres.
Disco Ladies Nights
Band on the Run
Rob Pye and Brian Woodward are GMOs for Upminster.
is a popular, versatile
As the Secretary for Old Libertian Lodge No. 6096, Rob
Pye is most enthusiastic about the benefits the Members’
5 piece band
Pathway can bring to Lodges.
ideal for all On 16th December 2021 the Brethren of Old Libertian
welcomed Tony Medcraft into Freemasonry. Rob Pye
types of functions enthusiastically explained “Tony Medcraft is the third
Pathway candidate to be Initiated into the Lodge. If any
Lodge Secretaries or Membership Officers which meet
at Upminster Masonic Hall want more information about
Visit our website for more details or contact membership or how I can help please get in touch with
e details or contact
isit our website for mor
Ian Rice for a demo CD
The new Provincial Members’ Pathway Team is all set to support every Lodge in Essex. Following a successful
launch event at Braintree, a series of province-wide
Tel: 01621 817 320 or 07802 858843 presentations are planned with the next one at Chelmsford
Toastmaster Also Available
T o a s t m a s t er A l s o A va i l a b le Masonic Centre on Sunday 30th January 2022 at 12 noon
till 2pm.