Page 38 - EM-Issue-90
P. 38
Online Supplement
12 Million Steps Written by Tony Hales
For Muscular Dystrophy Provincial Communications Team
ne Hundred and Twelve Essex Freemasons stepped up to the plate for
Othe Provincial ‘500 Step Challenge’. In the eight days from 23rd to 30th
December 2020, the Brethren recorded a total of 12,378,321 steps, the
equivalent of walking 6,189 miles. St Philip Lodge No 4221 whose four team
members, Alan Keith, Andy Cross, Joe Wiggins and Paul Leacock marched
into first place with an average of 20,478 steps each day and gave their
prize-winning charitable donation to Muscular Dystrophy UK, in memory of
the late Spencer Walsh, the brother-in-law of Andy Cross, who sadly passed
away on 7th December 2020.
For Andy Cross, the sexagenarian Treasurer of St Philip
Lodge, every step was a challenge, suffering with heel pain
in his right foot from a ligament inflammation (plantar fascia)
he still managed to complete 242,926 steps. Exactly 100
years ago, the Founders of St Philip Lodge were also taking
challenging steps. The Warrant of the Lodge was granted on
13th December 1920 and arrangements for the Consecration
were well under way. As the Founders look down from Grand
Lodge above, they must be feeling very proud of the current
St Philip Lodge members as they begin their Centennial year.
The leading individual was Clive Cheeseman with a total of 275,784 steps from second placed Henry de Gray Lodge
No 6627. His team was followed in order by Cornerstone, St Kath’s Turkey Trotters, Spero Lodge, Orsett Lodge, The
Beeleigh Abbey Lodge, Round Table Lodge of Essex, Old Parkonians Lodge, The Dragon of St George, Albert Lucking
Chubbsters, Sons of Benfleet, Old Easthameian, Essex Quadrant Lodge, Team Wakering, Haven Step Brothers, Prittlewell
3 Amigos, Shenfield Lodge, Saint Cedd, Paul Geadey Gaggle, Alan Keith Quadrant, Lodge of Amity No 5753, Team
Higgins and The Dragon of St George.
The widow of Spencer, Mrs Jill Welsh has written “I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Province of Essex
Freemasons for the ‘500 Step Challenge’ donation. This been donated to Muscular Dystrophy UK, a cause very close to
our hearts having lost our son to this cruel disease at the age of 17. With tributes also from family and friends we have
been able to send in excess of £2,000 to this worthy charity. With my deepest gratitude”.
The motto of St Phillip Lodge is ‘Amicitia Caritas et Veritas’ which means ‘Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth’. It is in that
spirit the Lodge thanks every brother who took part in the 500 Step Challenge and to everyone who has donated to the
Essex Freemasons Community Fund to make this possible. ‘Thank you, Brethren,’.
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