Page 31 - Essex Mason Spring Special Edition
P. 31
General Interest
Hamilton Court
Update Robert Mathew
Well, what a difficult time we are all going
through with this dreaded Virus.
Unfortunately we suffered one confirmed loss
with Covid 19, which as soon as the resident
went to Hospital on an unrelated illness we put
in place a total lockout. I use the word lockout
as we simply stopped all visitors from entering
Hamilton Court. This has helped us to remain
Virus free for the time being, but who knows
what will happen in the future. Our Scheme
Manager had to go into self-isolation as she
had spoken to our resident before she went
to hospital. Sarah has now returned in good
Some of our ladies still go out shopping but those
who cannot the deliveries are dropped off at the
entrance and they will come down and pick them
up from there.
We have still permitted the residents to have full use
of the garden and lounge provided they maintain
the 2 metre distance. The cooler is full of wine which
they have our blessing to help themselves. It is
important to keep in mind the mental state of those
who have little or no contact with their families.
If it were normal times I would be reporting on the
social functions we would be having but all I can say
is that the Xmas party was excellent and we had a
talk from Mark Smith which everyone really enjoyed.
At Easter we arranged for a gift and card from the
committee which was delivered to their front doors.
I must say that we were overwhelmed with the
response of cards, e-mails and telephone calls from many of the residents expressing their thanks and that we have not forgotten
about them during this time that we are unable to visit ourselves.
We will, no doubt, send other gifts over the coming months. I am in daily contact with the other Chairmen and we report to each other
and the MHA on the assistance we are getting from their Provincial PGM’s APGM’s Almoners and Light Blues.
My thanks go to those Masons who have offered their assistance and for providing a thermometer following a request from Sarah.
My thanks must go to all my Committee members for their help and we must all try and remain positive and like all of my residents
keep smiling till we all meet again.
Dear Sir & Brother,
Following on from your post on the Essex Masons Facebook page please see below the initiative introduced by Essex
United Service Lodge No. 3804: Upon hearing about the proposed lockdown the General Purposes Committed
of the Essex United Service Lodge No. 3804 jumped into action. An emergency GP meeting was held where the
brainchild of the ‘Buddy System’ was outlined by W.Bro Craig Kirk
(Secretary) with the full support of the Worshipful Master, Director
of Ceremonies, Almoner and the GP members. The ‘Buddy
Systems’ sole purpose was to ensure the vulnerable Brethren
and widows were in direct contact with one of the designated
GPC members. This regular contact would ensure well-being and
fulfil any needs during these unprecedented times. A total of 26
Brethren were identified as vulnerable and split between the GPC
members with huge ongoing success.
In true Masonic fashion we have also reached out to historic
members of EUSL who were quite surprised of the thought and
consideration – a true testament of Masonic values, Brotherly
Love, Relief & Truth.
It would be good to see this replicated across other Lodges as
some have not even called their members yet.
W.Bro Craig Kirk