Page 27 - Essex Mason Issue 84
P. 27
Boarsfest at Boars Head, Braintree, raises £1,250 for
Little Havens Hospice
A mini festival at a popular pub in Braintree raised £1,250 for
a children's hospice.
Boarsfest took place at The Boars Head, in High Street,
Braintree, over the weekend of the May Bank Holiday, raising
money for Little Haven's Hospice.
Bands from across the area, including Sounds Better Naked
and Pure DC, performed at the venue in a special marquee
set up in the pub's beer garden.
The £1,250 raised across the weekend means the pub has
collected a total of £7,750 for the charity this year.
Seven Kings Lodge 2749
Host 22nd Boars Head Event
n the 15th December 2017, Seven Kings Lodge No 2749 once again hosted the 22nd Boar's Head Event at Upminster, which
Ohas this year been the best ever with over 140 attendees, £3000 worth of toys and a record of £3060 raised in cash. And
in addition to that we had the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Rodney Lister Bass, who congratulated W.Bro Peter
Banks, on the further improvements that had been made at the centre. He was also very supportive of the Boar's Head event,
and impressed with the vast collection of toys for the children.
Every person wishing to come to the meeting was required to
bring toys, all of which have been distributed to Harlow, East
Ham, Basildon and Broomfield Hospitals and were extremely
well received by the staff and we are sure, the children. This
wonderful meeting has raised over 150k for children at
Christmas. In addition, this year supported the MCA trust in a
Christmas Party for all the sick children and their siblings. Father
Christmas (aka Albert the Dwarf) was attended in the grotto by
five elves (three of whom were Peter’s grandchildren ) and thirty
eight of the children were from Great Ormond Street Hospital.
A whole host of characters from TV and film arrived to the
amazement of the kids and there were many other attractions.
Lodges at Maldon Masonic Centre are supporting a disabled
Ex – Serviceman Andy Bracey.
ndy who is from the Maldon Area, but who now resides in Southend was injured in a motorcycle accident during leave from
Athe Army. After several unsuccessful operations on his spine he was confined to a wheelchair, and was told he would never
walk again.
He thought at the time that his life was over and found that he could not cope anymore.
But after pulling himself round over several years, took to Wheelchair Basketball, where
one of the team members told him about Wheelchair racing. He found himself being
chosen for the Invictus Games in Orlando in America, where he won two silver and two
bronze medals for Britain, wheelchair racing on the track. He was again chosen for these
games and went to Toronto Canada and returned with 4 silver medals. He wants to now
compete at International level, which means a better class of racing and these trials will
be held in Switzerland and Australia. However to achieve his goal and to bring back gold
medals he needs to raise £4000.00, and has asked the Freemasons for their support.
Wheel of Fellowship Lodge 9016 have donated £200.00 towards his cause, and the other
Lodges at Maldon will be supporting him as well.
(left to right) W.Bro. Bob Hendrie (Lodge
Secretary), Andy Bracey & W.Bro. Alan Reid Send your event articles to